The unemployed have the right to financial compensation if they comply with the conditions set by the Labour Market Regulation Act. According to the principle of the rule of law, employers' legal norms must be transparent, understandable, and unambiguous. This paper presents the conditions to obtain and the procedure to pursue the right to financial compensation. It also studies whether legal provisions are stated in a transparent and understandable way and how the legal arrangement of the procedure affects decision-making of the authority, who is committed to respect the principle of economy.
The first part describes basic terms related to the studied topic, which is followed by a summary of the legal arrangement of the studied field and a detailed description of conditions to obtain financial compensation and its related procedure. Another part of the paper is an analysis of the case-law from this field and a presentation of some cases ruled by the Supreme Court and the Higher Labour and Social Court. The paper also analyses data related to the time of decision-making on applications from annual reports of the Employment Service of Slovenia for the last three years.
Results of the research showed that provisions of the Labour Market Regulation Act, which set the conditions to obtain financial compensation and its related procedure, are stated in a transparent and understandable way. The way they are written enables an authority to use them in their decision-making process, and such procedures take on average less than 20 days. According to these provisions, the client may also justify their complaint or suit if they do not agree with the received decision, and the court may rule on the legality of the decision taken by the authority who granted or rejected the application for financial compensation.
This paper may serve as a tool for the unemployed who apply for financial compensation and are interested in the conditions and procedure to obtain financial compensation.