This master's thesis includes the development of a grafical interface that enables the capture, proccesing and display of measured data as well as control of a hydraulic press. The control algorithm and grafical interface are designed using the TwinCAT3 sofware environment, which is included within the Beckhoff programable logic controler. Data of the current order are received from the RFID chip, which is built inside the pallet system of the input material. The chip contains information about the number and type of product and the type of tool needed to produce these products. The data is written inside the local database of the programable logical controler and is then used to create automatical generation of the working cycle for the hydraulic press. The working cycle of the press is determined with characteristics points for resting in the upper and lower position of the tool, for the acceleration, pressing work cycle and the return movement of the tool. The grafical interface allows you to start the cycle, automatically interrupt the cycle at the end of an order, display important hydraulic quantities such as tool path, hydraulic pressure and force, dispaly of safety warnings, work plan and current order with the picture of the product. Using the prototye hydraulic press we tested all the functions of the grafical interface. The startup results indicate the suitability of the grafical interface fort he given requirements.