Minimalist aesthetics began in the second half of the twentieth century. We can find it in various arts, which all strive for simplicity of expression. In literature, minimalist aesthetics is present in different literary directions and forms (for example haiku) and is typical for minimalism. The groundbreaker of minimalism is Raymond Carver. He wrote about alcoholism, loneliness, relationship between man and woman, poverty, etc. Minimalism is a product of the postmodern epoch, which is not interested in great stories and focuses on the individual. In Slovenia, minimalist texts were written by Andrej Blatnik, Igor Zabel, Aleš Čar, Dušan Čater and Polona Glavan. The majority of minimalist texts are written in the form of a short story.
Polona Glavan’s collection of short stories was published in 2004. It contains nine stories, which are of different length. Each uses different procedures of literary minimization, and all of them have the spirit of the postmodern era. The narrator is first-person or third-person, focalization is usually internal. Literary persons are everyday people who deal with their intimate problems such as abuse, violence, and dysfunctional relationships.