I present in my master's thesis characteristics of propaganda technics, that french roman catholics and protestants (who later adopted the name hugenots) used before and during Wars of Religion. Through analysing written and pictorial sources of the propaganda of both sides, I am describing it's commonalities and differences. I am mostly focusing on how they were portraying the other side, therefore on the most common stereotypes the communities created about each other. I also outline how the sides perceived itself, which values they esteemed the most. I am depicting how their negative stereotypes about the other communitiy were used to justify violence on them, be it violence against property, symbolic violence or physical violence. Roman catholic community perceived itself as harmonius society, whose cohesion and way of life protestants are endangering. Consequently catholic propaganda showed protestant as destroyers of status quo and was mostly focused on discrediting their characthers, not their religious beliefs. Protestant's propaganda was more focused on criticizing the Catholic Church and it's representatives due to errors in running the Church. Because of the persecution they did also accuse catholics of being beastly and cruel. Both sides abused history for the purposes of propaganda and through their use of language dehumanized and demonised belivers of the other side.