Autonomous regulation of employment relations by the social partners is one of the fundamental principles of labour law. This is expressed in collective bargaining between trade unions and employers' organizations in order to conclude a collective agreement. In addition to the Employment Relationships Act, collective agreements are the second most important national source of labour law. The autonomy in the process of concluding collective agreements is doble: the autonomy of process and the autonomy of subject matter. The autonomy of process means that the contracting parties are free to decide whether they would negotiate or not and with whom they would negotiate. The autonomy of subject matter means free choice of subject matter of a collective agreement. Regarding the autonomy of subject, there are certain limitations due to the rule of law, hierarchy of legal acts and the specific nature of labour law or the protection of workers as weaker party. Parties to a collective agreement must abide by the following limitations to the autonomy of subject matter when concluding a collective agreement: a collective agreement may only include rights that are more favourable to the worker than the ones provided by the law (legal standard in favorem laboratoris) and the subject matter may be less favourable to a worker (in peius) only if a law or a broader level collective agreement expressly so provides. This are the two processes, i.e. derogation (of statutory regime in collective agreements) and decentralization (the transfer of the weight of collective bargaining from higher to lower levels), which are defined in Slovenian legislation in the Employment Relationships Act and the Collective Agreements Act. In my master's thesis, I made an analysis of 27 industry-level collective agreements in terms of derogation from minimum standards. Results of the analysis show that in almost all collective agreements social partners have agreed on general provision that enables derogation from minimum standards to be agreed in a lower-level collective agreement (in peius) which enables more flexibility. The analysis confirmed that collective agreements play an important role in increasing labour market flexibility.