
Prisotnost in vpliv duhovnosti pri študentih zdravstvene nege : diplomsko delo
ID Krnc, Sara (Avtor), ID Mihelič Zajec, Andreja (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Ovijač, Darja (Recenzent)

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Uvod: Pomemben del vsakega človeka je duhovnost, ne glede na to, ali se ljudje tega zavedajo ali ne. Duhovnost predstavlja naše iskanje smisla v življenju, ki ga živimo, predstavlja željo, da bi izpolnili svoje potenciale, postali »boljši človek«. Ta želja je še vedno prisotna pri medicinskih sestrah danes, tako kot je bila v preteklosti. Duhovnost lahko pomembno vpliva na reševanje stresnih situacij, povezanih s službo ali osebnim življenjem. Prav tako omogoča boljše psihofizično zdravje in lažje sprejemanje dogodkov, ki v življenju doletijo vsakega človeka, pogosteje pa tiste, ki svojo kariero namenijo skrbi za ljudi. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti, kako duhovnost vpliva na študente zdravstvene nege, kako lahko vpliva na spoprijemanje s stresom in kako v današnjem času študentje doživljajo lastno duhovnost. Poudariti želimo, zakaj je za njih duhovnost pomembna tako v bodočem poklicu kot osebnem življenju, še posebno v časih, ko se srečujemo s preobremenjenostjo medicinskih sester in pomanjkanjem kadra ter epidemiološkimi ukrepi in izobraževanjem na daljavo. Metode dela: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo raziskovalnega dela. Narejen je bil pregled znanstvene literature s področja duhovnosti v povezavi z zdravstveno nego in študenti zdravstvene nege od leta 2014 dalje. Literatura je bila iskana v podatkovnih bazah: Medline, Science Direct, CINAHL, Research Gate (s strežnikom: NCBI) in iskalnikom Pubmed ter spletnem portalu DiKul, v časovnem obdobju od decembra 2020 do aprila 2021. V bazah je bila literatura iskana v angleščini in slovenščini s pomočjo ključnih besedni zvez: nursing students AND spirituality, spiritual well-being AND nursing student, religion AND nursing student, nursing AND spirituality, zdravstvena nega IN duhovnost, študentje zdravstvene nege IN duhovnost. Strokovna literatura je bila iskana tudi s pomočjo referenčnih seznamov v analizo vključenih člankov. V analizo smo vključili 15 člankov. Članki so bili ovrednoteni po 7-stopenjski lestvici glede na moč dokazov. Rezultati: Študentje sami sebe doživljajo kot duhovne osebe do določene mere, težje pa to opišejo in definirajo. Ker ne poznajo dobro lastne duhovnosti in njenih dimenzij, slednje ne morejo integrirati v prakso oziroma ne morejo izkoristiti potenciala, ki jim ga daje duhovnost. Potrebno je opozorili na dejstvo, da duhovnost ni dovolj zastopana v učnih načrtih izobraževalnih institucij ali pa je način poučevanja o duhovnosti neprimeren in nekoristen. Razprava in zaključek: Zdi se, kakor da se ljudje tega problema zavedajo, vendar glede tega aktivno ne ukrepajo. Določeni ljudje menijo, da niso duhovne osebe zato, ker o tem še niso razmišljali. Tudi družbeni trendi in materializem so v nasprotju z iskanjem smisla in duhovnosti. Potrebno bi bilo o duhovnosti podučiti ne samo študente, temveč tudi že dijake, posebno na srednjih zdravstvenih šolah, saj se oni prav tako kot študentje srečajo z delom na praksi, smrtjo in vprašanji o smislu življenja, ki si jih drugi mladi začnejo postavljati pozneje. Prav tako je za mlade lažje, če se naučijo sprostitvenih tehnik še preden bi jih potrebovali, ne pa da se jih takrat šele začnejo učiti.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, duhovnost, blagostanje, študentje zdravstvene nege
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:ZF - Zdravstvena fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[S. Krnc]
Leto izida:2021
Št. strani:47 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131899 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:79355651 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:06.10.2021
Število ogledov:982
Število prenosov:112
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Presence and the impact of spirituality on nursing students : diploma work
Introduction: An important part of every human being is spirituality, whether people are aware of it or not. Spirituality represents our search for meaning in the life we live; it represents the desire to fulfill our potentials, to become a “better person”. This desire is still present in nurses today, just as it was in the past. Spirituality can have a significant impact on resolving stressful situations related to work or personal life. It also enables better psychophysical health and easier acceptance of events that happen to every person in life, and more often those who dedicate their careers to caring for people. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to present how spirituality affects nursing students, how it can affect coping with stress, and how students experience their own spirituality today. We want to emphasize why spirituality is important to them in both their future profession and personal life, especially at a time when we are facing with overburdened nurses and staff shortages, as well as epidemiological measures and distance education. Methods: We used a descriptive method of research work. A review of the scientific literature in the field of spirituality related to nursing and nursing students from 2014 onwards was made. The literature was searched in databases: Medline, Science Direct, CINAHL, Research Gate (with server: NCBI) and the Pubmed search engine and the DiKul web portal, in the period from December 2020 to April 2021. The literature was searched in English and in Slovene with the help of key phrases: nursing students AND spirituality, spiritual well-being AND nursing student, religion AND nursing student, nursing AND spirituality, nursing AND spirituality, nursing students AND spirituality. The professional literature was also searched with the help of reference lists of the articles included in the analysis. We included 15 articles in the analysis. The articles were evaluated on a seven-point scale according to the strength of the evidence. Results: Students experience themselves as spiritual persons to some extent, but find it more difficult to describe and define. Because they do not know well their own spirituality and its dimensions, the latter cannot integrate it into practice or they cannot use the potential that spirituality gives them. It is necessary to draw attention to the fact that spirituality is not sufficiently represented in the curricula of educational institutions or that the way of teaching about spirituality is inappropriate and useless. Discussion and conclusion: It seems that people are aware of this problem, but do not take active action on it. Certain people feel that they are not spiritual persons because they have not thought about it yet. Even social trends and materialism are at odds with the search for meaning and spirituality. Not only students but also high school students should be taught about spirituality, especially in secondary medical schools, as they, like students, encounter work in practice, death, and questions about the meaning of life that other young people begin to ask later. It is also easier for young people to learn relaxation techniques before they need them, rather than just starting to learn them.

Ključne besede:diploma theses, nursing care, spirituality, spiritual well-being, nursing students

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