
Konserviranje in restavriranje okvirja slike Marija nosečnica Fortunata Berganta
ID Božič, Teja (Avtor), ID Vuga, Martina (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Okrasni okvir in slika Marija nosečnica Fortunata Berganta, last frančiškanskega samostana Nazarje, sta bila uvrščena v izbor del za razstavo Fortunata Berganta (1721–1769) v Narodni galeriji Ljubljana (11.3. – 13.6.2021). Na podlagi pregleda, oblike okvirja in tehnologije izvedbe pozlate sklepamo, da gre najverjetneje za prvotni okvir slike. Diplomsko delo je razdeljeno v tri glavne dele. Prvi del obravnava okvirje, njihovo vlogo, pomen in vrste, ki jih lahko določimo glede na nahajališče okvirja s sliko in glede na motiv slike. Predstavljeni so izdelovalci okvirjev in zaključna obdelava površin z opisanimi tehnikami zlatenja. Drugi del vključuje opis obravnavanega okvirja, predvidoma prvotna konstrukcija nosilca, podloga in polikromacija in popis stanja okvirja pred konservatorsko-restavratorskimi posegi. Opisani so kasneje dodani sloji polikromacije. V tretjem delu so konservatorsko-restavratorski postopki postavljeni najprej v teoretični okvir, sledi še opis praktične izvedbe. Postopki so vključevali odstranjevanje površinske umazanije, izdelavo in pritrjevanje manjkajočega dela okrasja, lepljenje sestavnih delov in lokalno utrjevanje. Pred izbiro materialov za dopolnjevanje manjkajočih delov podloge smo testirali kite z različnimi vezivi. Sledil je postopek kitanja in retuširanja. Delo se zaključuje z razmislekom o možnih prihodnjih konservatorsko-restavratorskih posegih.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Konservatorstvo-restavratorstvo Poseg Okvir Pozlata Čiščenje površine Dopolnjevanje podloge Diplomsko delo
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:ALUO - Akademija za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje
Leto izida:2021
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130768 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:17.09.2021
Število ogledov:836
Število prenosov:156
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The conservation and restoration of the frame from the painting Mary pregnant by Fortunat Bergant
The painting Mary, Mother-to-Be (Marija nosečnica) by Fortunat Bergant, owned by the Franciscan Monastery in Nazarje, was included in the exhibition Fortunat Bergant (1721– 1769) in the National Gallery of Slovenia, Ljubljana (11.3. – 13.6.2021), together with its frame. The examination of the frame, together with its shape and the gilding technology used, lets us assume that the frame is most likely original. The diploma thesis is divided into three main parts. The first part talks about frames – about their role and meaning and about the types determined by the location of the picture frame and the picture motif. Presented are the framemakers and the surface finishing with a description of gilding techniques. The second part includes the description of the work of art, presumably its original construction, the ground layer and of the polychromy and the condition report of the frame before the conservation-restoration treatment. Subsequent layers of polychromy are also described. In the third part, the conservation-restoration procedures are placed first in the theoretical framework, followed by a description of the practical implementation. The procedures included the surface cleaning, the making and attachment of the missing part of the decoration, the readhering of the components and consolidation of surface layers. Prior to the selection of materials used to fill the ground layer losses, we tested various types of binders. Description of the filling and retouching of the paint layer losses follows. The work concludes with a reflection on possible future conservation-restoration treatments.

Ključne besede:Conservation-restoration Treatment Frame Gilding Surface cleaning Filling of ground layer BA thesis

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