In our master's thesis bearing the title of Creating short animated film based on a work of poetry, we adapted selected fragments from a literary work Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche through the format of short animated film.
The purpose of our research was to describe the connection between animation, film and fine art through the study of relevant literature from the field of studies and to highlight animation’s potential for adapting literature. We also focused on animation’s work-flow, exposing the aspects of it’s time consumption, which we have systematically documented throughout our process. The goal of our work was to, through careful planning and within a set time period, create a short animated film that serves as an open interpretation of the original literary source.
In the theoretical part we drew upon several studies from the field of animation that focus on animation’s relationship to film and fine art, and further, the relationship between animation and literary adaptation. We sought to describe the process of creating a work of animation, highlighting the animation methods crucial for our own process of work.
In the experimental part we first discussed the literary source Thus spoke Zarathustra and presented selection of fragments we decided to adapt for short animated film. Then we described influences on our work and the process of planning and animating for each scene.
In the chapter of results and discussion we presented our design solutions and the appearance of our short animated film. There we tried to answer the initial questions of our research and evaluate the effectiveness of our work.