
Načrtovanje in oblikovanje pisav z arhitekturnimi značilnostmi svetovnih mest
ID Štanfel, Nina (Author), ID Pušnik, Nace (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pisava je ena najbolj intuitivnih in učinkovitih elementov komunikacije, saj prenaša informacije in vzbuja čustveno zaznavo. Biti mora enostavna za razumevanje ter skladna z oblikovalsko temo. Poleg barv, slike in kompozicije predstavljajo pisave enega ključnih elementov grafičnega oblikovanja in prispevajo k neposredni komunikaciji med delom in bralcem. Glavni cilj diplomske naloge je bilo izdelati deset pisav, ki odražajo arhitekturne značilnosti desetih svetovnih mest ter jih skupaj z digitalno ilustracijo upodobiti na posterjih. Mesta, ki smo jih vključili v proces izdelovanja, so Amsterdam, Atene, Havana, Istanbul, Kairo, Kjoto, Moskva, New York, Pisa in Sydney. V teoretičnem delu smo se poglobili v teorijo o lastnostih barve in barvnih kontrastih, spoznavali delitev tipografije glede na njen namen ter zgodovinska obdobja pisav. Preučili smo tudi dele črk ter teorijo o posterju in njegovemu upodabljanju. Eksperimentalni del je zajemal risanje ilustracij v črtni in barvni obliki, izdelavo spletne ankete, analizo njenih rezultatov ter oblikovanje pisav. Pisava za posamezno mesto je bila nato združena z ustrezno ilustracijo, ki smo jo pobarvali v skladu z rezultati ankete. Glavni izdelek eksperimentalnega dela predstavlja deset posterjev svetovnih mest, ki združujejo sliko mesta, njegovo pisavo in barve izbrane v anketi. V razpravi smo nadalje analizirali rezultate ankete, opisali lastnosti izdelanih pisav ter ocenili njihovo povezanost s svetovnimi mesti. Pojasnili smo simbolni pomen barv, ki jih anketiranci najbolj povezujejo z mesti in njihovo upodobitvijo v ilustracijah. Nastale posterje smo na koncu likovno analizirali s pomočjo teorije, ki smo jo preučili v teoretičnem delu.

Keywords:barve, grafično oblikovanje, mesta, pisava, poster
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130101 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Designing typefaces with architectural features of world cities
Typefaces are one of the most intuitive and effective elements of communication as they deliver information and entice an emotional perception. They must be simple to understand and harmonious with the design theme. Apart from the colours, the picture and the composition, the typefaces represent one of the key elements of graphic design and add to the direct communication between work and the reader. The main goal of the diploma thesis was to create 10 typefaces which reflected the architectural characteristics of 10 renown world cities and depicted them on the posters alongside the digital illustration. The cities, which we've included in the process were Amsterdam, Athens, Cairo, Havana, Kyoto, Istanbul, Moscow, New York, Pisa and Sydney. In the theoretical part of the diploma thesis, we dwelt into the theory of the properties of colour and colour contrasts, uncovered the division of typography based on its purpose and of the historical periods of typefaces. We've also studied the parts of letter forms as well as the theory of the poster and its depiction. The experimental part included drawing the illustrations in both line work as well as a coloured version, the making of the online survey, the analysis of its results and the designing of the typefaces themselves. The typeface for a particular city was then combined with the corresponding illustration, which we coloured based on the results of the survey. The main product of the experimental part is the 10 posters of the world cities, which combine the city's depiction, its typeface and the colours chosen in the survey. In the discussion, we further analyzed the survey results, described the characteristics of the created typefaces and gauged their corelation to the world cities. We explained the symbolic meaning of the colours, which the respondents associate most with the cities and their depiction in the illustrations. In the end the created posters were artistically analyzed with the help of the theories which we examined in the theoretical part.

Keywords:graphic design, colours, cities, typeface, poster

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