
Družinsko življenje v pismih aleksandrinke Felicite Koglot Peric in njenega moža Franca Perica ter percepcija aleksandrinstva v takratni slovenski družbi : magistrsko delo
ID Koren, Manca (Avtor), ID Erzar, Tomaž (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Mihurko, Katja (Komentor)

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Aleksandrinke so tema, ki je bila v slovenski literaturi že precej raziskana, veliko je bilo že napisanega in obravnavanega, vendar je še vedno preveč neznanega in nerazumljenega. Najbolj znana podoba aleksandrinke v slovenski literaturi, pa tudi med ljudmi, je še vedno aleksandrinka v podobi lepe Vide. Literarni lik lepe Vide predstavlja žensko, ki je zapustila svoj dom, moža ter nebogljenega otroka in odšla v tujo, daljno deželo skrbet za tujega otroka. Takšna ženska je obsojana in označena kot slaba mati. Aleksandrinke so bile ženske, ki so pretežno prihajale iz Goriške, natančneje iz naselij Prvačina, Dornberk, Miren in številnih drugih vasi s tega območja. Razmere takratnega časa so bile zelo težke, zaradi česar so moški težko dobili zaposlitev (Škrlj 2009, 146). V takšnih razmerah so ženske, ki so bile prej bolj v ozadju, saj njihova udeležba v javnem prostoru ni bila zaželena, njihov položaj in vloga v zakonu ter družini pa precej jasna in podložna možu, stopile naprej in prevzele pobudo ter se lotile reševanja družine in premoženja. Vsako žensko družbeno in ekonomsko osamosvajanje je družba obsojala, zaradi česar so bile aleksandrinke, ki so zapustile dom ter odšle v tujino služit več kot potreben denar, obsojane in stigmatizirane. Otroci, ki so ostajali doma, so bili predstavljeni kot žrtve takšne vrste migracij, saj naj bi bili zaradi tega prepuščeni sami sebi. Vendar to v veliko primerih ni bilo res. Družine so bile takrat namreč precej drugačne od današnjih, saj je v veliko primerih pod eno streho, kot razširjena družina, živelo več generacij. Otroci so bili tako ob odhodu matere prepuščeni oskrbi očeta ter drugih članov družine, največkrat dedkov in babic, tet in stricev, v nekaterih primerih pa tudi drugih članov sorodstva in soseščine. V magistrskem delu preko primera Felicite Koglot, aleksandrinke iz Bilj, predstavimo položaj aleksandrink in družinskih situacij, v katerih so se znašle same in njihovi bližnji. Predstavili bomo položaj otrok, zgodovino otroštva, odraščanja, oblike družin in družinskega življenja ter tako poskušali osvetliti situacijo takratnega časa, ki bo bralcu omogočila drugačno razumevanje pojava in njegove umestitve v časovni okvir. Odnosi, ki smo jih prepoznali iz korespondence, so povezani s teorijo navezanosti in analizirani ter razloženi v tem kontekstu.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:aleksandrinke, vloga ženske, zgodovina otroštva, stigma, odnosi, teorija navezanosti
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:TEOF - Teološka fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[M. Koren]
Leto izida:2021
Št. strani:II, 116 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130087 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:80304899 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:10.09.2021
Število ogledov:1599
Število prenosov:172
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Family life through letters between Felicita Koglot Peric, an Alexandrian woman, and her husband Franc Peric and perception of Alexandrian women in contemporary Slovene society
The topic of Alexandrian women (aleksandrinke) is well researched in Slovene literature. There is a large amount of writing on the topic, yet there are still many unknowns and misunderstandings. The most famous interpretation of what being an Alexandrian woman was like in Slovene literature is the character of Lepa Vida. This literary character represents a woman that abandoned her home, husband and newborn child to serve in a foreign country far away and take care of someone else's child. As such, she was frowned upon and labelled a bad mother. Alexandrian women mostly originated from the Goriška region, specifically the towns of Prvačina, Dornberk, Miren, and many other towns in the area. Contemporary living conditions were very harsh, which left many men unable to find or hold a job (Škrlj 2009, 146). Such circumstances made women, who had until then stayed in the background due to their participation in public spheres being unwanted and their family roles consisting mostly of being subservient to their husbands, step forward and start salvaging their families and whatever little wealth they had. Each and every step of the domestic or economic liberation of women was frowned upon by society, which led to Alexandrian women (who abandoned their home to go work abroad in order to make money) being stigmatised and judged. Children who stayed home were paraded as victims of female migration and were presented as being left to their own devices, which was untrue in many cases. Families back then were very different from modern families. It was very common for families to share their homes with several generations, so the children who were left behind still had their fathers and other family members, in most cases grandmothers and grandfathers, but also aunts and uncles, other family members and sometimes even neighbours. My master's thesis, entitled Family Life through Letters between Felicita Koglot Peric, an Alexandrian Woman, and Her Husband Franc Peric and Perception of Alexandrian Women in Contemporary Slovene Society, presents the position of Alexandrian women and the family situations in which they found themselves through the case of Felicita Koglot from the town of Bilje. I will present the position of children, the history of their childhood and adolescence; different types of families and their lifestyles, and hopefully shed some light on the circumstances of that period in order to help the reader to place the social phenomenon on the timeline. The relationships that were discovered through the correspondence are connected to the attachment theory, and have been analysed and described with that theory in mind.

Ključne besede:aleksandrinke, Alexandrian women, female role, history of childhood, stigma, relationships, attachment theory

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