
Študenti razrednega pouka pri igralskem procesu
ID Štrukelj, Nena (Avtor), ID Vidrih, Alenka (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6851/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

V tem magistrskem delu smo spremljali študente razrednega pouka pri dramskem predmetu. V dramsko ustvarjanje spada tudi igralski proces. Ta se osredotoča na posameznika – igralca, ki v njem sodeluje, in na njegove sposobnosti, strahove, čustva, ki jih spoznava in jih poskuša z različnimi vajami in tehnikami preleviti in pokazati v svojem dramskem liku. S sodelovanjem v dramskih dejavnostih lahko razvijamo različne socialne spretnosti, samozavest in kreativnost. Razvoj teh spretnosti in kompetenc pa je pomemben tudi za učitelje. V tem magistrskem delu smo raziskovali, kako in koliko se študentje razrednega pouka razvijajo s pomočjo igralskega procesa. Preučevalo se je, kako študentje razrednega pouka doživljajo igralski proces ter kakšen pomen mu pripisujejo, ter ali so s sodelovanjem v njem pridobili spretnosti ali kompetence za izboljšanje svojega zasebnega življenja, sebe kot učitelja in/ali za izboljšanje kakovosti pouka (motivacija, razredna klima, prenos znanja, povečana radovednost učencev, izboljšanje odnosov, vrednot …). Prvi del raziskave smo izvedli s štirimi študenti, ki so bili v igralski proces vključeni pri samostojnem projektu pri izbirnem predmetu, drugi del pa s štirimi študenti, ki so se z igralskim procesom ukvarjali pred tremi leti s sodelovanjem pri pripravi predstave. Za raziskavo smo uporabili tehnike za kvalitativno raziskavo: opazovanje, intervju in analizo refleksij ter učnega načrta predmeta. Z raziskavo smo želeli izvedeti, če in na kakšne načine igralski proces pomaga pri osebnem in poklicnem razvoju učiteljev, ter če se tega študentje zavedajo ter v kolikšni meri. Ugotovili smo, da študentje prepoznajo nekatere od pridobljenih kompetenc (na primer: kompetenco prilagodljivosti, komunikacijske spretnosti, kompetenco uporabe sprostitvenih tehnik …), vendar se prepoznavanje kompetenc med študenti iz prvega vzorca razlikuje od študentov iz drugega vzorca, razlog pa pripisujemo temu, da so bili študentje v prvem vzorcu deležni dela na daljavo, ter da so bili igralskega procesa deležni v sklopu študijskega predmeta, medtem ko so študentje iz drugega vzorca pri ustvarjanju sodelovali prostovoljno ter bolj individualno. Rezultati raziskave so lahko v pomoč študentom razrednega pouka za boljše dojemanje in razumevanje dramskih predmetov, ter tudi izvajalcem teh predmetov, saj lahko dobijo vpogled v doživljanje študentovih pridobljenih kompetenc. Zaradi kvalitativnega načina raziskovanja se rezultate ne da posplošiti in veljajo zgolj za naš raziskovalni vzorec.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:igralski proces
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2021
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128717 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:71273987 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:16.08.2021
Število ogledov:1037
Število prenosov:141
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Primary education students at acting process
In this research, we observed the students in the drama class. Creation in drama also includes the acting process. The acting process focuses on the individual – the actor who participates in it and on his abilities, fears, emotions, which he recognizes and tries to overcome and then act them out in his dramatic character with various exercises and techniques. By participating in drama activities, we can develop various social skills, self-confidence, and creativity. The development of these skills and competencies is also important for teachers. In this master's thesis, we researched how and to what extent primary education students develop through the acting process. We examined how classroom students perceive the acting process and what importance they attach to it, and whether by participating in it they acquired skills or competencies to improve their private life, themselves as a teacher and/or improve the quality of their lessons (motivation, class climate, knowledge transfer, increased curiosity of students, improvement of relationships, values…). The first part of the research was conducted with four students who were involved in the acting process in an independent project in an elective course, and the second part with four students who were involved in the acting process three years ago by participating in the preparation of the play. For the research, we used techniques for qualitative research: observation, interview, and analysis of reflections and the curriculum of the subject. The research aimed to find out if and in what ways the acting process helps in the personal and professional development of teachers, and if students are aware of this, and to what extent. We found that students recognize some of the acquired competencies (for example flexibility competence, communication skills, competence to use relaxation techniques…), but the recognition of competencies among students from the first sample differs from students from the second sample, and the reason is that students from the first sample received online lectures and they were a part of the acting process as part of the study subject, while the students from the second sample participated in the creation voluntarily and more individually and the process was held in person. The results of the research can be of help to primary education students for a better perception and understanding of drama subjects, as well as to the professors of these subjects, as they can gain insight into the experience of students' acquired competencies. Due to the qualitative way of research, the results cannot be generalized and apply only to our research sample.

Ključne besede:acting process

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