In Slovenian advertising market, we can often find ads of breweries that use advertising related
to sports and athletes. Beer is an alcoholic beverage with a lower percentage of alcohol and it
falls into some sort of gray zone in the context of advertising, which, despite its limitations, still
allows brewers to present themselves in the advertising market. Therefore advertisers use a
variety of techniques and ways to promote alcoholic beverages while connecting them with
different practices. In my thesis, I focused on the connection between beer and sports in
advertisements in the Slovenian advertising space. I was mainly interested in what techniques
and metaphors advertisers use and what symbolic place sport occupies in beer advertising in
the Slovenian advertising space. With a multimodal version of semiotic analysis of
advertisements I came to conclusion that in the context of sport, two main connections are used
– the connection between sport and national identity and sport in connection with strenght. The
symbolic place of beer and sport is relationally established through the aforementioned
methapors, which are very topical in relation to modern consumer society