
Javna ozaveščenost o logopediji in surdopedagogiki in delu logopeda-surdopedagoga
ID Jugović, Glorija (Avtor), ID Kogovšek, Damjana (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Novšak Brce, Jerneja (Komentor)

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6775/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

Logoped-surdopedagog se ukvarja s preprečevanjem, ugotavljanjem, (re)habilitacijo komunikacijskih motenj, motenj hranjenja in požiranja, gluhote in naglušnosti, njihovih vzrokov in posledic. Zaposlen je na področju zdravstva, vzgoje in izobraževanja in/ali socialnega varstva. Eno njegovih ključnih področij dela je preventiva, v okviru katere ozavešča javnost o logopediji in surdopedagogiki. V teoretičnih izhodiščih magistrskega dela smo definirali logopedijo in surdopedagogiko, predstavili njuno zgodovino, opisali kompetence logopedov-surdopedagogov, opisali njihova področja dela, akademsko pot in možnosti zaposlitve. Predstavili smo pomen javne ozaveščenosti o logopediji in surdopedagogiki in povzeli zaključke dosedanjih raziskav. Z raziskavo smo želeli opisati in primerjati javno ozaveščenost strokovne javnosti in javno ozaveščenost laične javnosti o logopediji in surdopedagogiki ter delu logopeda-surdopedagoga. Zanimalo nas je, ali se strokovna in laična javnost razlikujeta v javni ozaveščenosti o logopediji in surdopedagogiki ter delu logopeda-surdopedagoga. Vzorec je zajemal 455 oseb; 224 predstavnikov strokovne javnosti (katerih poklic je soroden poklicu logopeda-surdopedagoga in so zaposleni na področju zdravstva in/ali vzgoje in izobraževanja in/ali socialnega varstva) in 231 predstavnikov laične javnosti (vsi ostali). Udeleženci raziskave so izpolnili spletni vprašalnik o javni ozaveščenosti o logopediji in surdopedagogiki ter delu logopeda-surdopedagoga. Raziskava je pokazala, da so predstavniki strokovne javnosti bolj ozaveščeni o vseh področjih, ki smo jih preverjali (logopedija in surdopedagogika, delo logopeda-surdopedagoga, izobraževanje in delovna mesta logopedov-surdopedagogov in zgodnja logopedsko-surdopedagoška obravnava), kot predstavniki laične javnosti, iz česar sledi, da je strokovna javnost bolj ozaveščena o logopediji in surdopedagogiki ter delu logopeda-surdopedagoga kot laična javnost.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:logopedija in surdopedagogika
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2021
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-128194 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:69248771 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:16.08.2021
Število ogledov:1383
Število prenosov:169
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Public awareness of speech-language therapy and surdopedagogy and the role of speech-language therapist – teacher of the deaf and hard of hearing
Speech-language therapist – educator of the deaf and hard of hearing (SLT – EDhh) works in the field of prevention, identification and (re)habilitation of communication disorders, eating, drinking and swallowing disorders, deafness and hearing loss as well as their causes and consequences. An SLT – EDhh is employed in the domain of health, education and/or social care. One of the key areas of their work is prevention, which includes raising public awareness about speech-language therapy and surdopedagogy. In the theoretical starting points of the masters’ thesis, we defined speech-language therapy and surdopedagogy, presented their history, described the competencies of an SLT – EDhh as well as the areas of their work, formal education and employment opportunities. We emphasised the importance of public awareness about speech-language therapy and surdopedagogy and summarized the conclusions of previous studies. The aim of the research was to describe and compare the level of awareness of the professional and lay public about speech-language therapy and surdopedagogy as well as the work of an SLT-EDhh. We were interested in whether the professional and lay public differ in their public awareness of speech and language therapy and surdopedagogy and the work of an SLT-EDhh. Our sample consisted of 455 people; 224 of those were representatives of the professional public (whose professions are related to the profession of an SLT – EDhh and are employed in the field of health and/or education and/or social care) and 231 of those were representatives of the lay public (all others). The participants in the research filled in an online questionnaire on public awareness about speech-language therapy and surdopedagogy as well as the work of an SLT – EDhh. The research showed higher awareness in representatives of the professional public in all studied areas (speech-language therapy and surdopedagogy, the work of an SLT-EDhh, education and workplaces of an SLT-EDhh as well as early speech-language and surdopedagogical treatment), compared to the representatives of the lay public. In conclusion, the professional public is more aware of speech-language therapy, surdopedagogy and the aim of work of an SLT-EDhh than the lay public.

Ključne besede:speech-language therapy and surdopedagogy

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