Formative assessment is an important part of school teaching, but it is often abandoned or unstructured due to time constraints. The purpose of formative assessment is to provide feedback, which can help students achieve their goals.
The master's thesis presents the pre-assessment and assessment of knowledge in mathematics with an emphasis on formative assessment as a way to improve students' learning motivation and success, as well as present an opportunity to more efficiently adapt the further learning process to students. The thesis refers to the already conducted research in this field as well as to other professional literature.
The empirical part is based on quantitative research, the main purpose of which was to investigate the ways, causes and frequency of formative assessment in the process of teaching mathematics to 2nd and 5th grade students. The main interest is in whether teachers in the 5th grade perform formative assessment in mathematics more often than teachers in the 2nd grade, and whether they use different methods and techniques of implementation.
In addition to that, we researched how often, in what ways, and with what purpose teachers carry out formative assessment in mathematics lessons, if and how they adapt formative assessment to different classroom factors (individual characteristics of students, specifics of learning content, distance learning) and the level of competence to perform formative assessment in mathematics lessons teachers feel they have. Teachers of 2nd and 5th grades were included in the research, and the necessary data were obtained with the Enka online survey, i.e. with the survey questionnaire.
The results show statistically significant differences in the frequency of formative assessment between 2nd and 5th grade teachers- 5th grade teachers perform formative assessment more often than 2nd grade teachers, but not in the methods of implementation. Teachers most often use KŽN and Semafor techniques, and they carry out formative assessment in order to determine the acquired knowledge of students. The results of the survey showed that teachers adapt the methods of formative monitoring to the individual characteristics of students, while the specifics of learning content and distance learning are mostly adjusted only with different frequency of formative assessment. Teachers acknowledge that they may not always feel competent enough to carry out formative assessment in mathematics lessons, however in most cases they do not attend any additional training on this topic. The conclusion is that the teachers do not use formally acquired knowledge when performing formative assessment, but rather implement it in their own way.
It is hoped that the obtained findings will inspire teachers and other pedagogical workers to structurally start using formative assessment, through which they can adapt the pedagogical process to individual characteristics of students, the specifics of learning content and to other circumstances.