
Doživljanje prve nosečnosti, poroda in poporodnega obdobja : magistrsko delo
ID Novak, Neža (Avtor), ID Pate, Tanja (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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V pričujočem magistrskem delu avtorica raziskuje čustveno doživljanje prve nosečnosti, poroda in poporodnega obdobja pri materah. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela predstavi ključne dogodke in fiziološki proces nosečnosti. Osredotoči se na doživljanje ženske v prvi nosečnosti, opiše spremembe na njenih možganih, na telesu, hormonske spremembe in z njimi povezane čustvene spremembe ter nihanje razpoloženja. Predstavi sprejemanje sebe in lastnega spreminjajočega se telesa ter pomembnost partnerjeve podpore v času nosečnosti. Predstavi pomen vzpostavljanja odnosa z otrokom že tekom nosečnosti. Dotakne se tudi odnosa med nosečnico in njeno materjo med nosečnostjo. Predstavi čustvene in duševne stiske, ki se lahko pojavijo med nosečnostjo. V nadaljevanju predstavi pomembnost priprave na porod in opiše fiziološki potek poroda ter zdravstvene ukrepe ob nepravilnostih pri porodu. Opiše pomembnost prisotnosti partnerja pri porodu. V zadnjem delu teoretičnega dela predstavi poporodno obdobje ter z njim povezane spremembe na fizičnem in psihičnem področju pri ženski. Predstavi dojenje kot ključni in osnovni stik z otrokom, odnos s partnerjem po porodu in na koncu sam odnos z otrokom. V empiričnem delu s pomočjo kvalitativne fenomenološke metodologije avtorica raziskuje povezanost fenomena doživljanja nosečnosti, poroda in poporodnega obdobja. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih šest žensk, ki so prvič rodile pred več kot šestimi meseci in manj kot štirimi leti. Pet žensk je rodilo vaginalno, ena je imela urgentni carski rez. Na podlagi intervjujev, ki jih je avtorica opravila z udeleženkami, ugotavlja, kako so ženske doživljale fenomen prve nosečnosti, poroda in poporodnega obdobja in kako bi si lahko to izkušnjo še izboljšale in olajšale. Rezultati so pokazali, da so ženske večinoma dobro sprejemale svoje spreminjajoče se telo in v času nosečnosti dobile s partnerjeve strani veliko podpore. Partnerjeva podpora se je kot ključna izkazala tudi med porodom. Raziskava je pokazala, da je bil prvi stik z otrokom pri večini udeleženk začudenje in niso doživele navala pozitivnih čustev ob prvem srečanju z otrokom. Rezultati kažejo tudi, da so se ženske premalo pripravile na poporodno obdobje, ki jih je zelo presenetilo predvsem iz čustvenega in doživljajskega vidika. V tem obdobju se je za večino udeleženk kot ključna pri premagovanju izzivov spet izkazala partnerjeva podpora.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:čustveno doživljanje, prva nosečnost, porod, poporodno obdobje, partnerski odnos, fenomenološka metoda
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:TEOF - Teološka fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[N. Novak]
Leto izida:2021
Št. strani:IV, 79 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127834 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:71068675 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:24.06.2021
Število ogledov:1953
Število prenosov:309
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Experiencing of the first pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period
In the present master's thesis, the emotional experiences of first pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period of mothers who give birth are explored. The theoretical part of the master's thesis presents the key events and the physiological process of pregnancy. The focus is on the experience of the pregnancy by a first-time mother, changes in her brain, body, hormonal changes and related emotional changes, and mood swings. Moreover, the author focuses on the acceptance of the physical and emotional changes, and the importance of the partner’s support during pregnancy. The importance of establishing a relationship with the child during pregnancy as well as the relationship between a pregnant woman and her mother during pregnancy are described in detail. The author also touches upon the emotional and mental distress that can occur during pregnancy. In addition, the importance of preparation for childbirth and the physiological course of childbirth are presented, as well as health measures in the event of congenital anomalies. The author also mentions the importance of a partner's presence at birth. The last part of the theoretical part describes the postpartum period and related physical and emotional changes. The author presents breastfeeding as a crucial and basic contact with the child. Lastly, the relationships between the mother and her partner and child are described. Using a qualitative phenomenological methodology, the connection between pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period of first-time mothers was investigated. The study included six women who gave birth for the first time more than six months ago and less than four years ago. Five women gave vaginal birth, and one had an emergency caesarean birth. Based on the findings of the interviews carried out by the author, it is determined how women experienced their first pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period, and how this experience could be further improved and facilitated. The results show that women mostly accepted their changing bodies and received a lot of support from their partners during pregnancy. Partner support has shown to be crucial during childbirth. The research showed that the first contact with the child was a surprise for most of the participants and they did not experience a surge of positive emotions when they first met the child. The results also show that women were not sufficiently prepared for the postpartum period and were surprised by it especially due to strong emotions and their own experiences. During this period, for most of the participants, the partner's support proved to be central to overcoming the challenges.

Ključne besede:emotional experience, first pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum period, mother, partnership, phenomenological method

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