In my master's thesis I focused on the third period of human life, old age, and above all, the mutual coexistence between the younger and older generations. Thus, in my theoretical part, I paid attention to aging, the emotions of the elderly as well as their needs, social work with older people, problems related to their stay in institutions and intergenerational cooperation. I described the field of dementia and palliative care in more detail, as we encountered young people with these sensitive topics during intergenerational cooperation. At the end of the theoretical work, I described the intergenerational cooperation between young people from the educational institution and housing groups and the elderly in nursing homes and at home. I also dedicated my research to this topic. Given that I am employed in an educational institution where young people with emotional and behavioural problems live and study, I tried to find out, with the research present, what are the possibilities and forms of intergenerational socializing and cooperation with the elderly in nursing homes.
The research confirmed that such cooperation is not only possible, but successful and, above all, beneficial for both generations.