
Pravica do zasebnosti pravne osebe : diplomsko delo
ID Gregoršanec, Nuša (Author), ID Rajgelj, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Oblak Črnič, Tanja (Comentor)

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Meje zasebnosti se skozi zgodovino močno spreminjajo. Zraven pa sovpada dejstvo, da so potrebe, želje in navsezadnje tudi možnosti po zbiranju informacij vse večje (Kovačič, 2000, str. 1019). »Cyberspace« je postal orodje za vzpostavljanje transnacionalnih internetnih prostorov, ki pa so izoblikovani v političnem, ekonomskem in kulturnem smislu (Tapscott in Tapscott, 2011). Živimo v družbi nadzora, kjer se na dnevni ravni zberejo ogromne količine podatkov. Te pa služijo kot ciljno orodje k vse večji dobičkonosnosti. Po eni strani je na udaru posameznikova zasebnost, po drugi strani pa se družba zavestno in namerno odloča deliti svoje zasebne podatke. Dober primer tega so različna družbena omrežja – Facebook. Podjetja namreč na podlagi profilov ter vpetosti posameznikov skozi digitalne interakcije oglašujejo svoje storitve in blago. Sama tržna vrednost pojma zasebnosti pa se je tudi močno povišala. Zato je pomembno, da izhajamo iz načela enakosti. Gre za generalno načelo, ki pogojuje ves pravni red. Pomembno je, da pri primerjavi pravnih in fizičnih oseb to generalno načelo upoštevamo. Transparentnost ni več možnost, da podjetja delujejo bolj etično in ustvarjajo večje zaupanje ljudi, temveč je tudi priložnost za ustvarjanje večjega dobička. Obstaja tanka meja med pravico vedeti in varovanjem zasebnosti (pravnih oseb) zaradi vseh globalnih trendov. Upoštevati je potrebno, da iz pravne osebe navsezadnje izhaja fizična oseba s svojimi pravicami in interesi. In tudi precej neupravičeno je zahtevati, da pravne osebe razkrijejo vse informacije o svojem delovanju. Po drugi strani pa ima tudi javnost pravico vedeti.

Keywords:zasebnost, javnost, pravne osebe, informacijska družba, družbena odgovornost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Gregoršanec]
Number of pages:28 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127684 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:69788419 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The right to privacy of a legal person
Throughout history boundaries of privacy have changed significantly. This coincides with the fact that demands, wishes and, finally, options to collect information are increasing (Kovačič, 2000, p. 1019). »Cyberspace« has become a tool for establishing transnational internet addresses, which, however, are formed politically, economically and culturally (Tapscott and Tapscott, 2011). We live in a surveillance society, where daily vast amount of data is collected, which serves as a target tool for growing profitability. The person's privacy, on the one hand, is under threat, and on the other, the society knowingly and intentionally decides to share its private data. Good examples of this are various social networks, such as Facebook. Corporations, namely, advertise their services and goods on the basis of profiles and individual integration through digital interactions. The market value of the concept of privacy alone has considerably increased. Therefore it is significant to be driven by the principle of equality. It is a general principle, which determines all legal order. It is of utmost importance to comply with this general principle when comparing legal and natural persons. Transparency is not only a chance for corporations to act more ethical and create greater public confidence, but it is also an opportunity for corporations to make higher profit. Due to all of global trends there is a very fine line between the right of knowing and the protection of privacy (of legal persons). After all it should be taken into consideration that a natural person with its rights and interests derives from a legal person. It is also unjustified to demand from legal persons to disclose all information on their operations. But on the other hand, the public has the right to know.

Keywords:privacy, the public, legal person, information society, social responsibility

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