
Pravna negotovost za investitorje v obnovljive vire energije z vidika (ne)dovoljenih državnih pomoči
ID Maglica, Megi (Avtor), ID Grilc, Peter (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Magistrska naloga obravnava problematiko neskladnosti konkurenčne in okoljske politike v kontekstu pravil o državnih pomočeh. Delo prikazuje, kako nenehne spremembe ciljev okoljske politike in nezdružljivost sistema podpor s pravili o državnih pomočeh na trgu Evropske Unije (EU) povzročajo nekonsistentnost in pravno negotovost za investitorje v obrate za proizvodnjo električne energije iz obnovljivih virov. Investicije v obnovljive vire energije (OVE) so tvegane, dolgoročne in zahtevajo visoke vnaprejšnje stroške. Nenehne regulatorne spremembe in ex post poseganja v pričakovane pravice investitorjev ustvarjajo tvegano okolje za taka obsežna vlaganja. Namen te naloge je bralcu prikazati nujnost spremembe in harmonizacije celotnega zakonodajnega okvira investicijske politike, s ciljem učinkovitejšega boja proti podnebnim spremembam. Če želi EU do leta 2050 evropski kontinent popolnoma razogljičiti, mora najprej ustvariti varno investicijsko okolje in odpraviti regulatorna tveganja na področju investicij v OVE na notranjem trgu. Magistrska naloga nadalje obravnava problematiko (ne)učinkovitega pravnega varstva z vidika neizvršljivih arbitražnih odločb v postopkih med investitorjem in državo članico. Obravnava možnosti, ki so investitorjem na voljo, v primerih, ko država članica retroaktivno posega v pričakovane pravice oz. s svojimi enostranskimi dejanji, posredno ali neposredno, investitorjem povzroči škodo. Dotakne se posledic Achmea sodbe, Sporazuma o odpovedi vseh bilateralnih investicijskih sporazumov med državami članicami in argumentov držav članic v različnih arbitražnih postopkih. Obravnava tudi odprta vprašanja v zvezi z nezdružljivostjo Pogodbe o energetski listini (ECT) in pravnega reda EU. Magistrska naloga skuša prikazati nujnost čimprejšnjega ukrepanja s strani EU in držav članic s ciljem poenotenja okoljsko-energetskega zakonodajnega svežnja in vzpostavitve sistema, ki bo omogočal stabilno in varno okolje za neposredne investicije v proizvodne obrate iz OVE.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:nedovoljene državne pomoči, 107. PDEU, proizvodnja električne energije iz obnovljivih virov energije (OVE), podpore za OVE, Evropska energetska listina (ECT), intra-EU bilateralni investicijski sporazumi (intra-EU BIS), sodba Achmea, ISDS
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:PF - Pravna fakulteta
Leto izida:2021
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125617 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:59334147 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:27.03.2021
Število ogledov:1460
Število prenosov:247
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Legal uncertainty for investors in renewable energy from the perspective of unlawful State aid
The master's thesis deals with the issue of inconsistency between competition and environmental policy in the context of state aid rules. Furthermore, it shows how the constant change of the objectives in environmental policy and the incompatibility of the support schemes with state aid rules in the single market of European Union (EU) cause discrepancy and legal uncertainty for investors in renewable energy power plants. Investments in renewable energy sources (RES) are risky, long-term and require high upfront costs. Constant regulatory changes and ex post encroachments on investors expected rights create a risky environment for such large-scale investments. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to present to the reader the need for change and harmonization of the entire legislative framework of investment policy, with the aim of combating climate change as effectively as possible. Should the EU wish to completely decarbonise the European continent by 2050, it must first create a secure investment environment and eliminate regulatory risks in the field of investments in RES in at the single market. The master's thesis further examines the issue of (in)effective legal protection from the point of view of unenforceable arbitral awards in proceedings between the investor and the Member State. In addition, it considers the options available to investors in cases where a Member State interferes retroactively with expected rights of the investor or by Member state’s unilateral (direct or indirect) actions causing damages to the investors. Moreover, it also advocates the implications of the Achmea judgment, the Agreement for the termination of Bilateral Investment Treaties between the Member States of the European Union and the arguments of the Member States specified in various arbitration proceedings. Further, it also addresses unresolved issues regarding the incompatibility of the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) with the acquis communautaire. The master's thesis seeks to demonstrate the need and urgency of action by the EU and its Member States with the aim of unifying the environmental-energy legislative package and establishing a system that will provide a stable and safe environment for direct investments in RES production plants.

Ključne besede:unlawful state aid, 107. TFEU, production of electricity from the renewable energy sources (RES), RES support schemes, Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), intra-EU Bilateral investment treaties, Achmea ruling, ISDS

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