
Vpliv sintranja na spremembo mikrostrukture dentalnega porcelana : diplomsko delo
ID Ivančič, Tadeja (Avtor), ID Rojko, Franc (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Anžel, Ivan (Komentor), ID Fošnarič, Miha (Recenzent)

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Uvod: V zobni protetiki se lahko porcelanske mase uporabljajo tudi v kombinaciji s stelitnimi zlitinami. Tako se izpolnijo zahteve glede funkcionalnosti in estetskih zahtev zobnih nadomestkov. Poznamo nekaj vrst porcelanskih mas, v praktičnem delu diplomskega dela pa smo vzorce izdelali iz levcitne dentalne porcelanske mase. To je porcelanska masa, ki se v zobozdravstvu uporablja najpogosteje. Dentalna porcelanska masa, ki je v obliki prahu, se s tekočino za mešanje porcelanske mase zameša v homogeno zmes in s čopičem nanaša na konstrukcijo, ki je predhodno pripravljena v skladu z navodili proizvajalca zlitine. Sintra se pri temperaturah od 700 do 1000 °C in tako spoji v trdno obliko, primerno za protetiko. Zaradi zahtevnosti slojenja in modeliranja primerne anatomske oblike zob je treba porcelansko maso nanašati, sintrati ter brusiti večkrat. V tem primeru lahko pri segrevanju mase do visokih temperatur in brušenju z obdelovalnimi sredstvi v dentalni porcelanski masi nastanejo številne mikrostrukturne spremembe, ki odločilno vplivajo na njen mehanizem. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je z optičnim mikroskopom opazovati mikrostrukturo dentalne porcelanske mase po večkratnem nanosu, brušenju in tehnološkem postopku sintranja. S spektrofotometrom smo analizirali tudi vpliv števila sintranj na spremembo barve dentalne porcelanske mase. Metode dela: Praktični del diplomskega dela zajema izdelavo vzorcev in izvedbo testiranj. Kovinska osnova je bila izdelana kot kvadratna ploščica s površino 10 mm² in debelino 1 mm iz zlitine za izdelavo fiksnoprotetičnih konstrukcij, ki izpolnjuje zahteve glede biokompatibilnosti materialov in kompatibilnosti materiala z dentalno porcelansko maso za izdelavo končnega funkcionalnega in estetskega protetičnega nadomestka. Na vsak vzorec smo nanesli sloj porcelanske mase, ga sintrali v žarilni peči in brusili z obdelovalnimi brusnimi sredstvi. Pri prvi skupini štirih vzorcev smo cikel ponovili trikrat (skupina A), pri drugi skupini štirih vzorcev sedemkrat (skupina B) in pri tretji skupini štirih vzorcev smo ga ponovili dvanajstkrat (skupina C). S spektrofotometrom smo raziskali, ali večkratna ponovitev cikla vpliva na spremembo barve dentalne porcelanske mase. Na dveh vzorcih iz vsake skupine smo izvedli še pregled mikrostrukture porcelanske mase. Računali smo odstotke poroznosti na treh mestih v plasti porcelanske mase in izračunali povprečje za posamezni vzorec. Rezultati: Vsem vzorcem smo s spektrofotometrom izmerili barvo. Rezultati so pokazali, da je do večjega odstopanja od uporabljene barve prišlo v skupini C. Z optičnim in elektronskim mikroskopom smo pregledali tudi mikrostrukturo vzorcev. Analizirali smo vpliv okoliščin sintranja na stopnjo poroznosti. Ugotovili smo, da je bil odstotek poroznosti pri skupini vzorcev C večji kot pri skupini vzorcev A. Razprava in zaključek: Cilj je bil ugotoviti, ali večkratni nanos porcelanske mase, sintranje in brušenje vplivajo na mikrostrukturo in barvo porcelanske mase. Barva B3 je bila po trikratnem nanašanju porcelanske mase, sintranju in brušenju (skupina A) izmerjena pri treh od štirih vzorcev. Po dvanajstkratnem nanašanju porcelanske mase, sintranju in brušenju (skupina C) pa je bila izmerjena samo pri enem od štirih vzorcev. Pri analizi mikroposnetkov smo ugotovili, da so bile pore pri skupini vzorcev A večje kot pri skupini C. Poroznost je bila pri skupini C za približno 0,50 odstotne točke večja kot pri skupini A. Lahko sklepamo, da večkratno nanašanje porcelanske mase, sintranje in brušenje vplivajo na poroznost in barvo dentalne porcelanske mase.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:diplomska dela, ortotika in protetika, porcelanska masa, mikrostruktura porcelanske mase, sintranje
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:ZF - Zdravstvena fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[T. Ivančič]
Leto izida:2021
Št. strani:34 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125218 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:54172419 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:07.03.2021
Število ogledov:951
Število prenosov:138
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The effect of sintering on microstructure change of dental porcelain : diploma work
Introduction: In dental prosthetics, a combination of porcelain masses and stellite alloys can be used, which meets the functional and aesthetic requirements of dental substitutes. There are several types of porcelain masses known; the samples used in the practical part are made from leucite dental porcelain, which is the most commonly used porcelain mass in dentistry. The dental porcelain mass, which is in the form of a powder, is mixed with a porcelain mixing liquid into a homogenous mixture and applied with a brush to a construction, which has been previously prepared in accordance with the alloy manufacturer's instructions. The process of sintering is performed at temperatures between 700°C and 1000°C, thus merging into a solid form, appropriate for dental prosthetics. Due to the complexity of both the layering and the process of modeling the appropriate anatomical shape of the teeth, it is necessary to apply, sinter, and grind the porcelain mass several times. In this case, when heated to high temperatures and grinded with grinding tools, a number of microstructural changes can occur in the porcelain, and these changes decisively affect its mechanism. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma work was to observe the microstructure of the dental porcelain with an optical microscope, after repeated application, grinding and technological sintering process. Using a spectrophotometer, we also analyzed the effect of sintering on the color change of the dental porcelain. Methods: The practical part of the diploma work includes the modelling of the samples and the conducting of tests. The metal base was a square plate with the surface of 10 mm² and the thickness of 1 mm. It was made from an alloy used for the production of fixed prosthetic structures, which meets the requirements for biocompatibility of materials and compatibility of the materials with the dental porcelain, a result of which is a functional and aesthetic prosthetic replacement. We applied a layer of porcelain mass to every sample, sintered it in a muffle furnace and grinded it with grinding tools. We divided the samples into three groups – A, B and C – each of the groups consisted of four samples. In group A, we repeated the cycle three times, in group B seven times, and in group C twelve times. Using a spectrophotometer, we studied whether repeating the cycle multiple times affects the color change of the dental porcelain mass. We also examined the microstructure of the porcelain mass on two samples from each group. We calculated the percentage of porosity of three chosen points in the layer of the porcelain mass, and calculated an average applicable to each sample. Results: We used a spectrophotometer to measure the color of every sample. The results showed that the color of the samples in group C significantly deviates from the base color. Using an optical and an electron microscope, we also examined the microstructure of the samples. We analyzed the influence of sintering conditions on porosity levels. The analysis showed that the percentage of porosity of the samples was higher in group C than in group A. Discussion and conclusion: The aim of the analysis was to determine whether repeated application of the porcelain mass, sintering and grinding affect the microstructure and the color of the porcelain mass. Color B3 was measured in three of the four samples after three applications of the porcelain mass, sintering and grinding (group A). After twelve applications of the porcelain mass, sintering and grinding (group C), color B3 was measured in only one of the four samples. Analyzing the micro images of the samples, we discovered that the pore size of the samples in group A was larger than of those in group C. The percentages of porosity of the samples in group C were approximately 0.50 % higher than of those in group A. It can be concluded that repeated application of the porcelain mass, sintering and grinding all affect the porosity and the color of the dental porcelain mass.

Ključne besede:diploma theses, orthotics and prosthetics, porcelain mass, the microstructure of the porcelain mass, sintering

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