
Komunikacijske sposobnosti odrasle osebe z afazijo in govorno apraksijo po odstranitvi možganskega tumorja
ID Juretič, Saša (Author), ID Farago, Emica (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6612/ This link opens in a new window

Afazija in govorna apraksija sta izolirani nevrološko pogojeni motnji jezika in govora, ki se v praksi pogosto sopojavljata in prekrivata. Afazija je pridobljena nevrološka jezikovna motnja, ki nastane kot posledica žariščne okvare (najpogosteje) dominantne hemisfere možganov. Težave se kažejo tako na področju ekspresivnih kot tudi receptivnih jezikovnih sposobnosti. Govorna apraksija je pridobljena nevrološka govorna motnja, ki se kaže v okvarjeni zmožnosti načrtovanja (planiranja) ali programiranja senzomotoričnih ukazov, potrebnih za izvedbo govornih gibov. Najpogostejši vzrok za nastanek afazije in govorne apraksije je možganska kap. Motnji pogosto nastaneta tudi kot posledica drugih bolezni ali poškodb možganov, kot je na primer odstranitev možganskega tumorja. Strokovnjaki izpostavljajo specifičnost afazij, ki se pojavijo po odstranitvi tumorja, in opozarjajo na pomembnost oblikovanja ustreznih terapij za obravnavo teh pacientov. Kljub temu se relativno malo raziskav osredotoča na raziskovanje govorno-jezikovnega področja po kirurškem zdravljenju možganskega tumorja. Namen magistrskega dela je bil raziskati področje govora, jezika in komunikacije pri osebah z afazijo in govorno apraksijo po odstranitvi primarnega možganskega tumorja. V uvodu dela je najprej definiran in opisan možganski tumor. V nadaljevanju uvoda so predstavljene govorno-jezikovne motnje, ki nastanejo kot posledica njegove odstranitve. Posebna pozornost je namenjena značilnostim afazije in govorne apraksije ter logopedski obravnavi navedenih motenj. V empiričnem delu je bila izvedena singularna študija primera odrasle osebe z afazijo in govorno apraksijo po odstranitvi primarnega možganskega tumorja. Predstavljen je komunikacijski profil osebe pred, med in po logopedski obravnavi. Osnova za diagnostično oceno je bil slovenski testni protokol Pregled govorno-jezikovnih sposobnosti z izbranimi podtesti. Glede na rezultate raziskave ugotavljamo, da je po šestmesečni logopedski obravnavi pri osebi z afazijo in govorno apraksijo prišlo do napredka znotraj vseh ocenjenih področij govora, jezika in komunikacije. Ta področja so bila naslednja: motorika govornih organov in oralna diadohokineza, avtomatični govor, ponavljanje, artikulacija, poimenovanje, fonacija, pripovedne sposobnosti in sposobnosti sporočanja ter razumevanje. Napredek, ki smo ga zabeležili, je pomemben pokazatelj, da se je stanje osebe v obdobju šestmesečne logopedske obravnave spreminjalo in izboljševalo. Po drugi strani pa ugotavljamo, da je bila razsežnost sprememb in napredka na omenjenih področjih majhna. Stanje se ni izboljšalo do te mere, da bi bila (predvsem oralna) komunikacija osebe povsem funkcionalna v domačem okolju in izven njega. Z namenom povečanja funkcionalnosti komunikacije je bil del terapij v zadnjem mesecu raziskave posvečen poskusom uvedbe nadomestne in dopolnilne komunikacije z uporabo simbolov in komunikacijske mape. Rezultatov raziskave ne moremo posploševati na vse osebe z afazijo in govorno apraksijo po odstranitvi možganskega tumorja, kljub temu pa vsebina magistrskega dela nudi osnovo za nadaljnje raziskave in je po naši presoji pomemben doprinos k področju logopedske obravnave nevrološko pogojenih motenj jezika, govora in komunikacije.

Keywords:možganski tumor
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124972 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:52759043 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.03.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Communication skills of an adult with aphasia andapraxia of speech after brain tumour removal
Aphasia and apraxia of speech are isolated neurogenic language and speech disorders that often co-occur and overlap in practice. Aphasia is an acquired neurological language disorder that occurs as a result of focal damage (most commonly) to the dominant hemisphere of the brain. Problems manifest in both expressive and receptive language skills. Apraxia of speech is a neurological speech disorder that manifests as impaired ability to plan or program the sensorimotor commands needed to perform speech movements. The most common cause of aphasia and apraxia of speech is stroke. Disorders often occur also as a result of other diseases or injuries to the brain, such as brain tumor removal. Experts emphasize the specificity of aphasia that occurs after tumor removal, and point to the importance of designing appropriate therapies to treat these patients. Nevertheless, relatively little research focuses on the study of the speech and language after surgical treatment of a brain tumor. The purpose of the master's thesis was to investigate the field of speech, language and communication in persons with aphasia and apraxia of speech after primary brain tumor removal. In the introduction of the thesis, a brain tumor is defined and described. In the continuation of the introduction, speech-language disorders that occur as a result of the removal of a brain tumor are presented. Special attention is given to the characteristics of aphasia and apraxia of speech, and speech-language therapy of these disorders. In the empirical part, a singular case study of an adult with aphasia and apraxia of speech after a primary brain tumor removal was performed. The communication profile of the person before, during and after the speech and language therapy is presented. The basis for the diagnostic assessment was the Slovenian test protocol Review of speech and language skills (slo. Pregled govorno-jezikovnih sposobnosti) with selected subtests. Based on the results of the research, we find that after a six-month speech-language therapy progress was made within all assessed areas of speech, language, and communication in the person with aphasia and apraxia of speech. These areas were as follows: speech motor skills and oral diadochokinesis, automatic speech, repetition, articulation, naming, phonation, narrative and communication skills, and comprehension. The progress we have observed is an important indicator that the person's condition has changed and improved during the six-month speech therapy period. On the other hand, we note that the scale of these changes and progress has been small. The condition has not improved to the extent that the person's communication (especially oral) could be considered fully functional in the home environment and outside it. In order to increase the functionality of communication, part of the therapies in the last month of the research was dedicated to attempts of introducing augmentative and alternative communication using symbols and a communication book. The results of the research cannot be generalized to all persons with aphasia and apraxia of speech after brain tumor removal, however, the content of the master's thesis provides a basis for further research and is, in our judgement, an important contribution to the field of speech and language therapy of neurogenic speech, language and communication disorders.

Keywords:brain tumor

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