
Spodbujanje socialnega razvoja otrok v vrtcu
ID Jaki, Sonja (Avtor), ID Batistič Zorec, Marcela (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6597/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela sem najprej opisala, kakšen je pomen spodbudnega ozračja v vrtcu, nato sem s pomočjo različnih kurikulumov (High/Scope kurikulum, Kurikulum za vrtce, Sodobni kurikuli) opisala načine, s katerimi lahko v vrtcu ustvarjamo spodbudno ozračje; poseben poudarek sem nato dala še ustvarjanju spodbudnega ozračja v dnevni rutini. Nato sem opisala vpliv prikritega kurikuluma na klimo in socialne odnose v oddelku. Nadaljevala sem z razlago socialnega razvoja pri otrocih ter predstavila pomen spodbujanja socialnega razvoja v vrtcu. Na koncu teoretičnega dela pa sem opredelila vlogo in pomen konfliktov za socialni razvoj otrok ter vlogo, ki jo ima vzgojitelj pri reševanju konfliktov med otroki. Cilj diplomskega dela je bil raziskati načine, ki jih vzgojiteljice uporabljajo za spodbujanje socialnega razvoja otrok, kako poskrbijo za ugodno socialno ozračje v oddelku preko dnevne rutine ter ugotoviti, kako otroke usmerjajo k reševanju medsebojnih konfliktov in primernemu vedenju. Zanimalo me je tudi, ali vzgojiteljice načrtujejo dejavnosti za spodbujanje socialnega razvoja ter ali jih evalvirajo. Rezultate sem pridobila s pomočjo opazovanja dveh oddelkov v različnih vrtcih ter z izvedbo intervjuja z vzgojiteljicama v opazovanem oddelku. S pomočjo raziskave sem ugotovila, da vzgojiteljice ustvarjajo spodbudno ozračje s komunikacijo, različnimi interakcijami z otroki, s spodbujanjem sodelovanja med otroki ter s svojim zgledom. V obeh oddelkih vzgojiteljici uporabljata lutko, v enem oddelku jo uporabljajo, da otrok lažje vzpostavlja interakcije z drugimi otroki, v drugem oddelku pa lutka služi za pogovor z otrokom, ki je storil neprimerno vedenje. Za ugodno ozračje poskrbijo s tem, da otrokom zagotavljajo občutek varnosti, da si pridobijo zaupanje otrok ter s tem, da skušajo razumeti otrokove želje in potrebe. Opazovane vzgojiteljice pri reševanju konfliktov uporabljajo dva pristopa, ki ju opisuje Kroflič (2010), to sta avtoritativno-asertivni in induktivni pristop. Dejavnosti za spodbujanje socialnega razvoja vzgojiteljice načrtujejo in izvajajo predvsem v uvajalnem obdobju. Izvedela sem tudi, da v enem oddelku vzgojiteljici dejavnosti za spodbujanje socialnega razvoja ne evalvirata, v drugem oddelku pa to področje evalvirata vzgojiteljici le ustno med seboj, za namene pogovornih ur ter na koncu nekega sklopa dejavnosti.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:predšolski otrok
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2021
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124957 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:50186755 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:02.03.2021
Število ogledov:2268
Število prenosov:207
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Fostering preschool children's social development
The theoretical section of the diploma thesis begins by describing the importance of a stimulating climate in kindergarten; this is followed by a description of the methods with which we can create a stimulating climate in kindergarten, as provided by different curricula (High/Scope Curriculum, Kindergarten Curriculum, contemporary curricula); special emphasis is placed on creating a stimulating climate in the daily routine. Afterwards, the influence of the hidden curriculum on the climate and on the social relations within the group is described. This is followed by an explanation of social development in children and an illustration of the importance of promoting social development in kindergarten. At the end of the theoretical section, I defined the role and importance of conflict for the social development of children, and the role played by the preschool teacher in resolving conflicts between children. The aim of my diploma thesis was to examine how preschool teachers stimulate children’s social development; how they provide a favourable social climate within the group through the daily routine; and to determine how they guide children towards resolving mutual conflicts and appropriate behaviour. I was also interested in whether preschool teachers plan activities for promoting social development and whether they evaluate them. The results were obtained by observing two groups in different kindergartens and by conducting an interview with the teachers of the observed groups. The research has shown that preschool teachers create a stimulating climate through communication, various interactions with the children, by encouraging cooperation among the children, and by their own example. In both groups, the teachers use a puppet; one group uses it to make it easier for a child to interact with the other children, while the other group uses the puppet to talk to a child who has done something inappropriate. The teachers provide a favourable climate by giving the children a sense of safety, by gaining the children’s trust, and by trying to understand the children’s desires and needs. In conflict resolution, the observed teachers employ two approaches, which have been described by Kroflič (2010), i.e. the authoritarian/assertive approach and the inductive approach. The teachers plan and carry out activities for promoting social development mostly in the introductory period. I have also discovered that the teachers of one group do not evaluate the activities for promoting social development, whereas the teachers of the other group evaluate them only orally between themselves, for the purpose of office hours, and at the end of a specific set of activities.

Ključne besede:preschool child

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