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Novejša operaterska omrežja LPWAN, kot je NB-IoT, so le nedavno zaživela in nekatere potencialne funkcije še niso v širši uporabi, zato so v delu podrobneje raziskane. Omrežje NB-IoT je opisano in predstavljene so njegove ključne prednosti. Ker je ena ključnih lastnosti omrežja nizka poraba, je podrobneje raziskana naprednejša funkcija dostave brez uporabe sklada IP, ki nudi dodatne prihranke na področju režije in porabe energije. Skozi celotno delo je funkcija primerjana z običajnim načinom komunikacije z uporabo sklada IP. NIDD je mogoče izvesti le s prenosom podatkov preko nedostopovne ravnine, katere prednosti sem izpostavil. Podrobneje sta predstavljena oba načina izvedbe NIDD. Način z uporabo tunela SGi ni podrobno standardiziran in ne prinaša toliko prednosti kot način z uporabo elementa SCEF. Ta odpira nov način komuniciranja z omrežjem 3GPP in prav tako z napravo IoT. Predstavljeni so načini uporabe vmesnika API elementa SCEF. Prihranek na področju režije je podrobno razčlenjen in primerjan s komunikacijo, kjer je uporabljen sklad IP. Opisane so tudi prednosti na področju varnosti, ekonomskih prihrankov, porabe energije, dosegljivosti in gostovanja. Vključena je tudi primerjava omrežja NB-IoT s konkurenčnim LoRaWAN. Primerjava je glede na raziskovanje funkcije NIDD zanimiva, saj uporablja LoRaWAN podoben način dostave kot z omenjeno funkcijo. V nadaljevanju je funkcija NIDD preizkušena z modulom NB-IoT, ki poleg NIDD podpira tudi novejšo izdajo omrežja. Opisane so začetne težave pri uporabi tehnologije. Preizkus funkcionalnosti vključuje meritve časov komunikacije in meritev porabe energije ter ob tem tudi pripravo okolja za preizkus in izdelavo aplikacij za izvedbo. Pri času komunikacije je upoštevan obhodni čas potovanja podatka do aplikacije na strežniku in nazaj. Temu je prištet še čas, ki ga naprava potrebuje za prehod med stanji RRC. Za potrebe meritev energije je uporabljen napredni analizator porabe. Podatki se zbirajo na odprtokodni platformi IoT za nadaljnjo analizo in predstavitev. Opravljeni so trije sklopi meritev, kjer so bili uporabljeni prenos NIDD in prenosa UDP in TCP, ki uporabljata sklad IP. Meritve so ponovljene pri treh različnih vrednostih signala RSRP; signal je manipuliran z uporabo dušilk. Vse skupaj so meritve opravljene pri devetih različnih postavitvah, kjer je potek podrobno razložen. Rezultati so v nadaljevanju predstavljeni in podrobno analizirani. Analiza vključuje preverjanje pravilnosti rezultatov in delitev časa komunikacije na čas prenosa po žičnih ter brezžičnih medijih. Analiza in rezultati meritev opisujejo, da uporaba NIDD ne prinaša bistvenih prihrankov na področju trajanja komunikacije ali porabe energije; izpostavljena je tudi neprimernost uporabe TCP za prenos majhnih količin podatkov. Na koncu so iz vseh ugotovitev predstavljene še smernice za uporabo omenjenih prenosnih načinov.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Internet stvari, LPWAN, NB-IoT, LTE-M1, NIDD, DoNAS, SCEF, tunel SGi, prenosni načini, meritve, poraba energije, čas komunikacije, UDP, TCP.
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FE - Fakulteta za elektrotehniko
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-122940 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:17.12.2020
Število ogledov:1628
Število prenosov:184
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Comparison of Data Transfer Modes in a Narrowband Internet of Things Network
Newer LPWAN operator networks, such as NB-IoT, have only recently come to life and therefore, some potential features are not yet in widespread use. This is why they are researched in the thesis in detail. The NB-IoT network is described and its key advantages are presented. As one of the key features of the network is low consumption, a more advanced function of delivery without the use of an IP stack, which offers additional savings in the field of overhead and energy consumption, has been investigated in detail. Throughout the thesis, the function is compared to the usual way of communication using an IP stack. NIDD can only be performed by transferring data over a non-access stratum, the advantages of which I have highlighted. Both methods of NIDD implementation are presented in detail. The method using the SGi tunnel is not standardized in detail and does not bring as many advantages as the method using the SCEF element. This opens a new way to communicate with the 3GPP network and also with the IoT device. Ways to use the SCEF APIs are presented. Savings in overheads are broken down in detail and compared to communications where an IP stack is used. Benefits in terms of security, economic savings, energy consumption, accessibility, and roaming are also described. A comparison of the NB-IoT network with the competing LoRaWAN is also included. The comparison is interesting considering the research of the NIDD function, as LoRaWAN uses a similar delivery method as with the mentioned function. Below, the NIDD function is tested with the NB-IoT module, which, in addition to NIDD, also supports the newer release of the network. The initial difficulties in using the technology are described. The functionality test includes measurements of communication times and measurements of energy consumption, as well as the preparation of the environment for testing and the development of applications for implementation. The communication time takes into account the data travel time to the application on the server and back. Added to this is the time it takes for the device to transition between RRC states. An advanced power analyzer is used for energy measurements. Data is collected on the open-source IoT platform for further analysis and presentation. Three sets of measurements were performed. The first used a NIDD transmission and the other two used UDP and TCP transmissions, which utilize the IP stack. Measurements are repeated at three different RSRP signal values, and the signal is manipulated using attenuators. In total the measurements are performed in nine different layouts, the course of each is explained in detail. The results are presented below and analyzed in detail. The analysis includes checking the correctness of the results and dividing the communication time by the transmission time over wired and wireless media. The analysis and results of the measurements describe that the use of NIDD does not bring significant savings in terms of communication duration or energy consumption and highlights the unsuitability of using TCP for the transmission of small amounts of data. Finally, from the findings, guidelines for the use of the mentioned transmission methods are presented as well.

Ključne besede:Internet of Things, LPWAN, NB-IoT, LTE-M1, NIDD, DoNAS, SCEF, SGi Tunnel, Data Transfer Modes, Measurements, Energy Consumption, Communication Duration, UDP, TCP.

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