
Primernost porodnih položjev za vaginalen porod po carskem rezu : diplomsko delo
ID Klemenc, Špela (Author), ID Prelec, Anita (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mivšek, Ana Polona (Reviewer)

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Uvod: V zadnjem desetletju je po svetu močno narasel delež carskih rezov. V Sloveniji je med letom 1987 in 2011 trend carskih rezov narastel s 7,3 % na 19,4 %, do leta 2019 pa se je ta povečal še za 2 %. Po podatkih Nacionalnega perinatalnega informacijskega sistema naj bi ta trenutno znašal približno 21 %. World Health Organization je izdala smernice o deležu carskih rezov, kjer priporočajo, da ta delež carskih rezov naj ne bi presegal 10–15 % vseh porodov. Vaginalni porod po predhodnem carskem rezu je ena izmed strategij, s katero bi zmanjšali delež carskih rezov. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je s pregledom domače in tuje literature ugotoviti primerne in neprimerne položaje za vaginalni porod po predhodnem carskem rezu, saj je tak način poroda v zadnjih letih pogostejši in je zanj potrebno posebno znanje in izkušnje babice. Zanimalo nas je, kateri porodni položaji so primerni za vaginalni porod po carskem rezu. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je bil uporabljen kvalitativni pristop. V prvem delu diplomskega dela je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela s pregledom znanstvene, strokovne, domače in tuje literature. V empiričnem delu je bilo opravljenih 5 polstrukturiranih intervjujev z babicami UKC Maribor, Oddelka za perinatologijo. Rezultati: Dve intervjuvani babici sta v porodnem bloku zaposleni že 39 let, preostale tri so s 7 do 15 let izkušenj. Vse babice so v tem obdobju imele že več izkušenj s porodnicami, ki so vaginalno rodile po predhodnem carskem rezu. Osebno izkušnjo s takšnim porodom je imela tudi ena intervjuvana babica. Z analizo intervjujev smo pridobili naslednjih 5 kategorij: ocenjevanje poroda, porodni položaji v latentni fazi, porodni položaji v aktivni fazi, porodni položaji v drugi porodni dobi, neprimerni porodni položaji. Razprava in zaključek: Ugotovili smo, da se babice držijo priporočil za vaginalni porod po predhodnem carskem rezu in standardov njihove ustanove. Noben porodni položaj ni kontraindiciran, porodnica si lahko izbere položaj, ki ji je udoben, babica pa se ji poskuša prilagoditi, če stanje ženske in ploda to omogoča. Med položajem mora biti zagotovljeno kontinuirano snemanje CTG-zapisa za oceno stanja ploda ter na podlagi katerega se odločajo glede nadaljnje obravnave. Izogibajo se predvsem položaja na hrbtu, ker lahko povzroči sindrom vene cave. Ženski poskušajo zagotoviti prave in zadostne informacije glede porodnih položajev, da jih porodnica lahko pravilno uporablja in si izbere položaj, v katerem bo lažje prenašala bolečino in predihavala popadke. V diplomskem delu so povzeta glavna priporočila glede vodenja vaginalnega poroda po predhodnem carskem rezu, indikacije za carski rez, kontraindikacije za vaginalni porod po predhodnem carskem rezu ter povzetki prednosti in slabosti najpogostejših porodnih položajev.

Keywords:diplomska dela, babištvo, porodni položaji, carski rez, vaginalni porod, ruptura uterusa, porodna bolečina
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Number of pages:31 str., [3] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-122452 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:45507331 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.12.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Suitability of birthing positions for vaginal birth after cesarean section : diploma work
Introduction: Over the last decade, the proportion of caesareans has risen sharply worldwide. In Slovenia, the trend of cesarean sections increased from 7.3 % to 19.4 % between 1987 and 2011, and by 2019 it increased by another 2 %. According to the National Perinatal Information System, it’s currently around 21 %. The World Health Organization has issued guidelines on the proportion of cesarean sections, recommending that this proportion of cesarean sections should not exceed 10-15 % of all births. Vaginal delivery after a previous cesarean section is one of the strategies to reduce the proportion of cesarean sections. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work is to review domestic and foreign literature to determine suitable and unsuitable positions for vaginal delivery after a previous cesarean section, as this method of delivery is more common in recent years and requires special knowledge and experience of the midwife. We were interested which delivery positions are suitable for vaginal delivery after cesarean section. Methods: In the diploma work we used qualitative approach. In the first part of the diploma work, a descriptive method of work was used with a review of scientific, professional, domestic and foreign literature. In the empirical part, 5 semi-structured interviews were conducted with the midwives of the University Medical Center Maribor, Department of Perinatology. Results: Two interviewed midwives have been employed in the maternity ward for 39 years; the remaining three are with 7 to 15 years of experience. All midwives during this period already had more experience with midwives who gave birth vaginally after a previous cesarean section. One interviewed midwife also had a personal experience with such a birth. By analyzing the interviews, we obtained the following 5 categories: birth assessment, birth positions in the latent phase, birth positions in the active phase, birth positions in the second childbirth period, inappropriate birth positions. Discussion and conclusion: We found that midwives adhere to the recommendations for vaginal delivery after a previous cesarean section and the standards of their institution. No birth position is contraindicated, woman can choose a position that is comfortable for her, and the midwife tries to adapt to it if the condition of the woman and the fetus allows it. During the position, a continuous CTG recording must be provided to assess the condition of the fetus and on the basis of which they decide on further treatment. They mainly avoid back position because it can cause cave vein syndrome. They try to provide women with the right and sufficient information about childbirth positions so that the midwife can use them correctly and choose a position in which she can more easily endure the pain and breathe contractions. The diploma thesis summarizes the main recommendations regarding the management of vaginal delivery after a previous cesarean section, indications for cesarean section, contraindications for vaginal delivery after a previous cesarean section and pros and cons of the most common birth positions.

Keywords:diploma theses, midwifery, birthing positions, cesarean section, vaginal birth, uterine rupture, labour pain

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