
Telerehabilitacija v logopediji in surdopedagogiki
ID Raduha, Maja (Avtor), ID Kogovšek, Damjana (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Novšak Brce, Jerneja (Komentor)

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6533/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

Izraz telerehabilitacija označuje rehabilitacijske storitve na daljavo z uporabo informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije. Telerehabilitacija v logopediji in surdopedagogiki predstavlja enega izmed možnih alternativnih načinov za zagotavljanje in izboljšanje dostopnosti do logopedskih in surdopedagoških terapij. Znanstvena spoznanja s področja telerehabilitacije pri delu z različnimi govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami so pokazala visoko ujemanje med tradicionalno terapijo in telerehabilitacijo. V tujini je bilo opravljenih več raziskav o telerehabilitaciji; raziskovalci so med drugim raziskovali kvaliteto telerehabilitacijskih storitev v primerjavi s tradicionalnimi storitvami rehabilitacije, ugotavljali učinkovitost telerehabilitacije pri različnih populacijah z različnimi patologijami govorno-jezikovnih motenj, medtem ko je nekaj raziskav preučevalo tudi stališča logopedov glede uporabe telerehabilitacije. Omejitve in pomisleki glede uporabe telerehabilitacije v logopedski ali surdopedagoški terapiji se nanašajo predvsem na odsotnost neposrednega fizičnega kontakta v terapiji, kar izpostavljajo tudi logopedinje in surdopedagoginje, ki so sodelovale v raziskavi magistrskega dela. Kljub temu telerehabilitacija glede na dosedanja znanstvena spoznanja nudi potencial za izboljšanje dostopnosti do logopedskih in surdopedagoških terapij. Zaradi pomanjkanja strokovnih delavcev in zasedenosti le-teh se s problemom zagotavljanja kakovostnih terapij srečujemo tudi v Sloveniji. Empirični del magistrskega dela prinaša vpogled v področje telerehabilitacije z vidika slovenskih logopedov in surdopedagogov. Uporabili smo avtorski vprašalnik, ki smo ga oblikovali na podlagi znanstvenih in strokovnih teoretskih spoznanj z raziskovanega področja. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, kakšno je poznavanje telerehabilitacije logopedov in surdopedagogov v Sloveniji. Cilj raziskave je bil tudi ugotoviti, kako logopedi in surdopedagogi ocenjujejo možnost uporabe telerehabilitacijskih storitev, kaj menijo o potrebnih kompetencah za izvajanje telerehabilitacije ter kakšen pogled imajo na telerehabilitacijo v prihodnosti. Vzorec je predstavljalo 13 logopedinj in surdopedagoginj iz šolske in zdravstvene dejavnosti. S pridobljenimi odgovori intervjuvank smo ugotovili, da je poznavanje telerehabilitacije med logopedi in surdopedagogi zelo dobro. Vse intervjuvanke s telerehabilitacijo še niso imele izkušenj, a so na koncu intervjuja skoraj vse (12 od 13-ih intervjuvanih) odgovorile, da bi v prihodnosti uporabile telerehabilitacijo v terapijah. Pri analizi odgovorov smo ugotovili tudi, da le pet intervjuvank meni, da je telerehabilitacija lahko enakovredna tradicionalni terapiji. Ob tem so najpogosteje dodale, da je nekatere dejavnike tradicionalne terapije preko telerehabilitacije nemogoče nadomestiti. Zelo različna mnenja so intervjuvanke podale tudi glede primernosti vseh delov logopedske/surdopedagoške terapije za telerehabilitacijo. Nekaterim se zdi telerehabilitacija bolj primerna za intervencijo, drugim pa za oceno in diagnostiko. Teoretična spoznanja iz tujine potrjujejo primernost vseh delov terapije za telerehabilitacijo. Najpogostejše prednosti telerehabilitacije, ki so jih navedle intervjuvanke, so večja dostopnost do logopedskih/surdopedagoških storitev, prihranek pri času in vožnji, večja sproščenost klienta ter lažje prilagajanje urnika. V prihodnosti intervjuvanke ocenjujejo možnost postopnega uvajanja telerehabilitacije v logopedijo in surdopedagogiko, vendar bolj kot samostojno terapijo omenjajo telerehabilitacijo kot doprinos h klasični terapiji ali kot kombinacijo s klasično terapijo. Z rezultati raziskave smo želeli prispevati k razvoju stroke in spodbuditi poseganje po računalniški ter komunikacijski tehnologiji, ki lahko z različnih vidikov olajša in izboljša logopedske in surdopedagoške terapije. Namen raziskave je bil tudi spodbuditi logopede in surdopedagoge k poglobljenemu razmisleku o uporabi telerehabilitacije in pomenu le-te v prihodnosti.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:logopedska terapija
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-122353 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:40578563 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:15.12.2020
Število ogledov:765
Število prenosov:186
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Telerehabilitation in speech and language pathology
The term telerehabilitation refers to remote rehabilitation services using information and communication technologies. Telerehabilitation in speech therapy and surdopedagogy is one of the possible alternative ways to ensure and increase access to speech therapy and surdopedagogy therapies. Scientific knowledge in the field of telerehabilitation in working with various speech and language disorders has shown a high use between traditional therapy and telerehabilitation. Several studies on telerehabilitation have been conducted abroad; among other things, researchers researched quality telerehabilitation services in the form of traditional rehabilitation services, determined the effectiveness of telerehabilitation in different populations with various pathologies of speech and language disorders, and some research is planned from the speech therapists’ point of view of regarding the use of telerehabilitation. Limitations and concerns regarding the use of telerehabilitation in speech therapy or deaf pedagogy therapies relate mainly to the absence of direct physical contact in therapies, which also highlights speech therapists and deaf pedagogues who participated in the research of the master's thesis. The key topic of telerehabilitation, according to current scientific knowledge, offers the potential to improve access to speech therapy and deaf pedagogy therapies. Due to the lack of professional staff and their occupancy, the problem is provided by quality therapy which we also encounter in Slovenia. The empirical part of the master's thesis provides an insight into the field of telerehabilitation from the Slovenian speech therapists’ and deaf educators’ point of view. We used an author's questionnaire, which was designed based on scientific and professional theoretical knowledge from the research field. With the research, we wanted to find out what is the knowledge of the telerehabilitation of speech therapists and deaf educators in Slovenia. The aim of the research was also to find out how speech therapists and deaf educators assess the possibility of using telerehabilitation services, what they think about the necessary competencies for telerehabilitation treatment, and what they look at telerehabilitation in the future. The sample consisted of 13 speech therapists and deaf pedagogues from school and healthcare. With the obtained answers of the interviewees, we found that the knowledge of telerehabilitation between speech therapists and deaf educators is very good. All interviewees with telerehabilitation did not yet have the experience. At the end of the interview, however, almost all (12 out of 13 interviewees) answered that they would use telerehabilitation in therapies in the future. After analyzing the responses, we also found that only five interviewees believe that telerehabilitation can be equivalent to traditional therapy. The most frequent answer given by the interviewees is that some factors of traditional therapy are impossible to replace through telerehabilitation. The interviewees also gave very different opinions regarding the suitability of all parts of speech therapy/deaf pedagogy therapy for telerehabilitation. Some find telerehabilitation more appropriate for intervention and others for assessment and diagnosis. Theoretical findings from abroad confirm the suitability of all parts of therapy for telerehabilitation. The most common advantages of telerehabilitation mentioned by the interviewees are greater access to speech therapy/deaf pedagogical services, savings in time and driving, greater relaxation of the client, and easier adjustment of the schedule. In the future, the interviewees evaluate the possibility of a gradual introduction of telerehabilitation in speech therapy and deaf pedagogy. More than stand-alone therapy, however, they mention telerehabilitation as a contribution to classical therapy or as a combination with classical therapy. With the results of the research, we wanted to contribute to the development of the profession and encourage the intervention of computer and communication technology which can facilitate and improve speech therapy and deaf pedagogy therapies from various aspects. The purpose of the research was also to encourage speech therapists and deaf educators to think in-depth about the use of telerehabilitation and its importance in the future.

Ključne besede:speech and language therapy

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