
Gambija - reportažna fotografija
ID Herič, Alen (Avtor), ID Ahtik, Jure (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Reportažna fotografija je zvrst fotografije, ki se ukvarja z vizualnim pripovedovanjem resnične in objektivne zgodbe. Motivov reportažne fotografije je toliko, kot je reportažnih fotografov. Vsak reportažni fotograf si svet razlaga drugače. Tematika reportažne fotografije je različna in odvisna od fotografa. Fotograf izbere temo fotografije, ki je lahko ulična, vojna, športna. Poglavitni namen reportažnih fotografij je obveščanje in ozaveščanje ljudi, ki si jih bodo ogledali. Namen diplomske naloge je reportažna fotografija v zahodnoafriški državi Gambiji. Teoretični del obravnava razvoj reportažne fotografije kot zvrsti in opisuje dva njena predstavnika, ki sta nas navdihnila. Obravnavali smo dvoje fotografij vsakega predstavnika in slog, ki smo mu sledili za doseganje boljših rezultatov reportaže. Reportažno fotografijo smo obravnavali tudi z vidika etičnih vrednot in kulturnih značilnosti prebivalcev države. Raziskali smo, katera oprema najbolje deluje pri reportažni fotografiji in na kaj moramo biti pozorni pri izbiri opreme. V eksperimentalnem delu so opisane tri fotografije in njihove značilnosti ter okoliščine nastanka. V prilogi smo dodali celotno serijo dvajsetih fotografij reportažne fotografije v Gambiji. Za lažje razumevanje ozadja odprave v Gambijo smo v eksperimentalni del vključili značilnosti države in opažanja med obiskom. Fotografije smo posneli s fotoaparatom Canon 6D in objektivom 16¬¬-35 mm, po poškodbi objektiva smo delo nadaljevali z Canon 40D in objektivom 18-200 mm. Fotografije smo nato uvozili v program Adobe Lightroom Classic, kjer smo naredili barvno korekcijo.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:fotografija, reportaža, fotograf, Gambija, kultura
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:NTF - Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-122263 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:02.12.2020
Število ogledov:959
Število prenosov:157
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Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The Gambia - reportage photography
Reportage photography is a branch of photography that deals with the visual narration of a true and objective story. There are as many motives of the reportage photography as there are reportage photographers. Every reportage photographer interprets the world differently. Therefore, the subject of a reportage photography may vary, depending on a photographer. The photographer chooses a topic, it can be street, war, sports photography. The main purpose of reportage photography is to inform and raise awareness of the people who will look at the photos. The purpose of the diploma work is the reportage photography in the West African country of The Gambia. In the theoretical part the development of the reportage photography as a branch of photography is described. We have been inspired by two representatives of the reportage photography. Two photos of each representative and the style followed for better reportage results have been discussed. The reportage photography in The Gambia has been theoretically considered in terms of ethnical and cultural characteristics of the population. We have researched which equipment works best in reportage photography and what is essential when choosing it. The experimental part describes three photographs and their characteristics, as well as the background for each of them. In the attachment, however, the whole series of twenty photographs of the reportage photography in The Gambia has been added. To ease the understanding of the background of the expedition to this country, the characteristics of The Gambia and our observations during the visit to the country have also been added. Photos have been taken with a Canon 6D camera and a 16-35 mm lens, and after damaging the lens, we continued working with a Canon 40D and an 18-200 mm lens. The photos have been imported into the Adobe Lightroom Classic program, where colour corrections have been made.

Ključne besede:photography, reportage, photographer, The Gambia, culture

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