
Dednopravne pogodbe v slovenskem pravu
ID Obidič, Boštjan (Avtor), ID Žnidaršič Skubic, Viktorija (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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V magistrski nalogi so podrobneje predstavljene dednopravne pogodbe in njihova veljavnost oziroma neveljavnost v slovenskem pravnem redu. Trenutna zakonska ureditev daje zapustniku malo možnosti, da bi uredil svoja premoženjska razmerja za primer smrti že za časa življenja. S spremembo ustavnopravne ureditve po letu 1991 je prišlo do spremenjenega pojmovanja lastninske pravice, ki je spet dobila svojo klasično veljavo. Poleg tega danes pridobivajo na veljavi klasična načela civilnega prava, kot sta načeli avtonomije volje in dispozitivnosti pravnih norm. Navedene spremembe pa se niso odrazile na področju dednopravnih pogodb, kjer trenutna ureditev, ki sklepanje slednjih močno omejuje, velja že od leta 1955. V nalogi so predstavljene dednopravne pogodbe, ki so pri nas neveljavne oziroma nične. Mednje spadajo dedna pogodba, skupna oporoka, fidejkomisarična substitucija, pogodba o vsebini oporoke in pogodba o pričakovani dediščini ali volilu. Sledi analiza edine veljavne dednopravne pogodbe pri nas, to je sporazuma o odpovedi neuvedenemu dedovanju. Bistvo tega instituta je, da se posamezni potomec oziroma zakonec odpove še neuvedenemu dedovanju, tako da bodo ob zapustnikovi smrti k dedovanju poklicani le njegovi preostali dediči. Posledično bodo njihovi dedni deleži večji, saj je potomec ali zakonec izključen iz dedovanja, prav tako pa tudi vsi njihovi potomci, razen če ni drugače dogovorjeno. V nemškem pravnem sistemu je sklepanje dednopravnih pogodb dovoljeno, zelo podrobno so urejene v Nemškem civilnem zakoniku. Francoska ureditev sklepanju dednopravnih pogodb ni posebej naklonjena, saj so, razen nekaterih izjem, neveljavne.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Dednopravne pogodbe, sporazum o odpovedi neuvedenemu dedovanju, skupna oporoka, fidejkomisarična substitucija.
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:PF - Pravna fakulteta
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-122195 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:26.11.2020
Število ogledov:2431
Število prenosov:257
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Contracts of inheritance in Slovenian law system
The master thesis deals in detail with the contracts of inheritance and with theirs validity and invalidity in Slovenian law system. The current law regulations give to the testator only a few chances to arrange with his property in case of death through his lifetime. Due to the change of constitutional system in the year 1991 the meaning of private property has changed, we could say that private property now has gained again its classical value. In addition, the classical principles of civil law, such as the principle of freedom of contract and optionally principle, are gaining in force. However, these changes have not been reflected in the field of inheritance contracts, where the current regulation, which severely restricts the conclusion of the latter, has been in force since 1955. The thesis presents the inheritance contracts which are void and null in the Slovenian legal system. These include the lawful contract of inheritance, joint will, fideicommissary substitution, the contract on the content of a will and the contract on an expected inheritance or legacy. Then follows the analysis of the agreement on the renunciation of the inheritance, which is the only valid contract of inheritance in our law of succession. The main intent of this institute is that a descendant or spouse who enters into the agreement on the renunciation of inheritance is no more a decedent,s heir, because he renounces his right of inheritance. Upon the testator,s death only his remaining heirs will receive their shares. Because of the exclusion from the inheritance of the descendant or spouse, as well as all their descendants, shares of all the other heirs will increase. German legal system has a very detailed and organized validity of the these contracts in the German Civil Code which allow valid signing of contracts of inheritance. French system, does not allow valid signing of contacts of inheritance. Most of this kind of contracts are, with some exceptions, null.

Ključne besede:Contracts of inheritance, agreement on the renunciation of inheritance, joint will, fideicommissary substitution.

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