
Mednarodnopravna analiza problematike financiranja investitorjev s strani tretjih oseb v mednarodni investicijski arbitraži
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V mednarodni investicijski arbitraži financiranje stroškov arbitraže s strani tretjih oseb vzbuja posebno pozornost. Ker so v postopkih mednarodne investicijske arbitraže vpletene države, se pričakuje, da bo ureditev transparentnejša od ureditve mednarodne gospodarske arbitraže, zato da se spoštuje načelo odgovornega vodenja države in vladavini prava, posledično pa so posamezni dejavniki mednarodne investicijske arbitraže podvrženi večjemu drobnogledu. Udeležba financerjev, ki zagotovijo finančna sredstva investitorjem v postopku mednarodne investicijske arbitraže, odpira številna vprašanja. To magistrsko diplomsko delo analizira prednosti in slabosti tovrstnega financiranja s strani tretjih oseb (TPF) v sistemu mednarodne investicijske arbitraže. Hipoteze so, prvič, da TPF omogoča pritožnikom dostop do pravice, drugič, da prisotnost TPF v postopku ne vpliva na pristojnost arbitražnega tribunala in dopustnost zahtevka, tretjič, da razkritje TPF v postopku po arbitražnih pravilih ni nujno, je pa priporočljivo ter četrtič, da TPF vpliva na višino stroškov, ki jih je treba na koncu postopka povrniti uspešnemu pritožniku. Magistrsko diplomsko delo obravnava sistemska vprašanja, ki jih odpira TPF, najprej vprašanje dostopa do pravice za tiste pritožnike, ki ne zmorejo bremena plačila stroškov arbitraže. Nadalje je obravnavano vprašanje vpliva TPF na pristojnost tribunalov in dopustnost zahtevkov v mednarodni investicijski arbitraži. Poleg tega je pomembna opredelitev do razkritja identitete financerja in dogovora o TPF, zaradi morebitnega konflikta interesov ter odreditve zavarovanja za stroške arbitraže, ki imata za razliko od mednarodne gospodarske arbitraže v mednarodni investicijski arbitraži svoje posebnosti na katere je posebej opozorjeno. Nazadnje je obravnavana še problematika vpliva prisotnosti TPF na določitev stroškov ob zaključku postopka mednarodne investicijske arbitraže.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:financiranje stroškov arbitraže s strani tretjih oseb / mednarodna investicijska arbitraža / dostop do pravice / razkritje financiranja / zavarovanje za stroške / konflikt interesov / pristojnost in dopustnost / povrnitev stroškov
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:PF - Pravna fakulteta
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-122027 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:42020611 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:17.11.2020
Število ogledov:1265
Število prenosov:160
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Analysis of the international law issues of third-party funding of investors in international investment arbitration
Third-party funding in international investment arbitration has drawn particular attention because international investment arbitration involves states. As international investment arbitration involves states as parties to the procedure, it is expected that the regulation of international investment arbitration be more transparent than international commercial arbitration, in order to respect the principle of good governance and government accountability, and rule of law. Consequently, the specifics of international investment arbitration are under more scrutiny. Third-party funding in international investment arbitration raises numerous questions. With the goal of answering some of these questions, this master’s thesis analyses the systemic policy issues regarding third-party funding. The hypothesis are that first, TPF provides Claimants access to justice, second, that the existence of TPF has no impact on the jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal and the admissibility of the claim, third, that the disclosure of TPF is not mandatory under arbitration rules but should be regulated, and fourth, that TPF has an impact on costs that are recovered by successful claimants. The master’s thesis analyses systemic policy issues raised by TPF, with special emphasis on access to justice for Claimants that cannot bear the costs of arbitration. Furthermore, the analysis is focused on the question of jurisdiction and admissibility in international investment arbitration. Moreover, it is important to highlight the issue of disclosure of the identity of funders and the disclosure of the funding agreement because of the potential conflict of interests of arbitrators and because of the security for costs. These aspects differ in some ways to international commercial arbitration, and thus, deserve special attention. Finally, the master’s thesis also deals with the issue of the impact that TPF has on the costs of the international investment arbitration proceedings.

Ključne besede:Third-party funding / International Investment Arbitration / Access to Justice / Disclosure of TPF / Security for Costs / Conflict of Interest / Jurisdiction and Admissibility / Costs

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