
Odraščanje mladostnice z izkušnjo spolne zlorabe : magistrsko delo
ID Obrul, Tina (Avtor), ID Poštrak, Milko (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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V magistrskem delu obravnavam temo, o kateri se v družbi še vedno premalo govori in je tabu tema, to so spolne zlorabe otrok. Otroci so kot ranljiva skupina še posebej izpostavljeni vsem vrstam zlorab, najhujša možna oblika pa so spolne zlorabe. Spolne zlorabe v otroštvu puščajo pri zlorabljeni osebi travmatične posledice, ki se lahko skozi odraščanje izrazijo na mnogih življenjskih področjih, vse to pa je povezano tudi s stigmo. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela najprej na kratko predstavim nasilje in krog nasilja. Nadaljujem s prikazom različnih definicij spolne zlorabe. Pomembno se mi zdi omeniti tudi nekaj najpogostejših mitov, ki se pojavljajo v širši družbi, ko gre za spolne zlorabe. Obravnavam tudi lastnosti povzročiteljev spolne zlorabe in sam potek zlorabe ter dejavnike tveganja, zaradi katerih obstajajo večje možnosti, da se spolna zloraba zgodi. Nadalje velik del teoretičnega dela posvetim posledicam spolnih zlorab, saj zloraba pomeni za žrtev travmo in prinese spremembe na vsa življenjska področja. Pišem o posledicah spolnih zlorab, ki pa jih avtorji različno kategorizirajo – kratkoročne in dolgoročne posledice, vedenjski in telesni znaki. Kljub mnogim različnim klasifikacijam posledic jih večina omenja podobne, med katerimi so najpogostejši posttravmatska stresna motnja, tesnobnost, samopoškodovanje in samomorilnost ter druge oblike čustvenih motenj, fizične poškodbe, socialna izključenost in navsezadnje tudi izostanek v razvoju. Posebno pozornost namenim posttravmatski stresni motnji, ki velja za najpogostejšo posledico travme spolne zlorabe. Zanimivi so tudi rezultati raziskav na področju nevroloških posledic spolnih zlorab, ki nakazujejo, da se zaradi spolne zlorabe dogajajo strukturne spremembe v možganih. Nadaljujem z zakonodajo na področju nasilja in spolnih zlorab v Sloveniji ter teoretični del končam s potekom okrevanja žrtev. Navajam faze, skozi katere gre žrtev na poti k okrevanju, kot jih predpostavljajo različni avtorji, dotaknem se še medinstitucionalne obravnave žrtev spolnih zlorab. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela se osredotočim na en primer življenja in okrevanja osebe, žrtve spolne zlorabe v zgodnjem otroštvu. Dejstvo je, da nobena spolna zloraba ni enaka in da nobena žrtev nima enakih potreb pri okrevanju, kljub temu pa se v nekaterih točkah pojavljajo podobnosti. Skozi analizo intervjuja predstavljam okoliščine zlorabe in takratne življenjske okoliščine žrtve, kako je prišlo do razkritja, kakšne so bile zgodnje posledice zlorabe in s katerimi težavami se še danes srečuje, kako je zloraba vplivala na različna življenjska področja, kdo je najbolj pripomogel k okrevanju in kakšen odnos ima danes s storilcem spolne zlorabe.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:spolna zloraba, odraščanje, PTSM, posledice spolne zlorabe, okrevanje
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:FSD - Fakulteta za socialno delo
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[T. Obrul]
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121979 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:49938691 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:13.11.2020
Število ogledov:1382
Število prenosov:252
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Growing up of an adolescent victim of sexual abuse
In this master's thesis, I will adress a certain topic which is rarely the subject of discussion in today's society, because it is considered a taboo. The topic is child sexual abuse. As an inherently vulnerable group, children are particularly exposed to all types of abuse, the worst possible form being sexual abuse. Child sexual abuse causes traumatic consequences that can manifest in many areas of life during adolescence, all of which are associated with stigma. In the theoretical part of the master's thesis I will briefly present violence and the cycle of violence, from which I will continue by presenting various definitions of sexual abuse. I find it important to mention and dispel some of the most common myths that emerge in the wider society when we talk about sexual abuse. I also focus on on the characteristics of the perpetrators of sexual abuse and the course of sexual abuse, as well as the risk factors that make it more likely that sexcual abuse will occur. Furthermore, a large part of the theory is devoted to the consequences of sexual abuse, as abuse fort he victim means trauma and brings challenges to all areas of life. I am talking about the consequences of sexual abuse, which the authors categorise differently – short-term and long–term consequences, behavioral and physical signs. Despite many different classifications of consequences, most mention similar ones, among which the most common are post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, self harm, suicide, and other forms of emotional disorders, physical injuries, social exclusion and ultimately developmental delay. I pay special attention to post-traumatic stress disorder, which is considered to be the most common consequence of trauma, and the results of research in the field of neurological consequences of sexual abuse which are suggesting that sexual abuse causes structual changes in a person's brain. I am continuing with the legislation in the field of sexual abuse in Slovenia, and I conclude the theoretical part of my thesis with the course of the victims' recovery. I list the stages of recovery that a victim goes trough on the path to recovery, as assumed by various authors, and I also mention the inter-institutional treatment of victims of sexual abuse. In the empirical part of the master's I focus on a single case of life and recovery of a victim which was sexually abused in her early childhood. No sexual abuse is the same, and no victim has the same recovery needs, yet facts suggest that similarities emerge at certain points. Through the analysis of the interview, I present the circumstances of the abuse and the circumstances of the victim's life at the time, how the early consequences were revealed and what problems she still faces today, how the abuse affected different areas of her life, who helped her the most in ther journey to recovery and what relationship she has with the perpetrator of sexual abuse today.

Ključne besede:sexual abuse, growing up, PTSD, consequences of sexual abuse, recovery

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