In my dissertation I focus on the presentation of dementia, on people with dementia and their relatives. In the theoretical part, I define dementia, describe the types of dementia, and present a timeline of dementia research as well as describe models that have been developed to help understand dementia. I show the importance of early detection of dementia and present the first signs that appear when dementia occurs. I focus on the needs of people with dementia and their relatives and describe the forms of care available to people with dementia. I touch on topics related to the stigmatization of dementia and explore the information about dementia that is available to society. The problem of the diploma work is the lack of information of the society about dementia, which I investigate with the help of an online survey, in which 848 respondents participated. I am interested in the current information of the society about dementia, the opinion of the company about the success of the current information about dementia, which methods of informing about dementia have proven to be the most successful and which are the most desirable among the respondents. Quantitative analysis shows that most often dementia is known to people who have or have had contact with a person with dementia, most want better information, information must be given in different ways, which must be adapted to the target group we want to inform.