In my diploma, I explored whether parents are aware that they are an important role model for a child in the field of reading literacy, how they promote a child's reading literacy in the second age group, and to what extent this is influenced by their education. In the theoretical part, I defined speech and thinking in the preschool period, as well as the term literacy and the factors that influence it. By presenting several studies, I highlighted the importance of educating parents on the literacy of their children. In the empirical part, I tried to find out if parents are aware of their role in children’s reading literacy. I have found that parents, regardless of their level of education, are aware of the importance of children’s reading literacy in the second age group. Most of them are educated in this area. Mothers in particular read to their child in the evening, before going to bed. The child chooses the book himself and browses through it together with the parents. When parents are reading, they use accents, and after reading, they talk to the child about the content. In kindergarten, we should further emphasize the importance of informing parents about the child's reading development.