Pomurje is one of the regions in Slovenia, where there is a possibility of the groundwaters floods. For Prekmurje, the intergranular aquifer is typical, with shallow groundwater.
For the determination of groundwater flood events in Pomurje, the duration curves were used. On the base of the duration curve, treshold level of groundwater was determined, which marks the beginning of the flood. 5 flood events were determined, which represent a continuous event in Pomurje. The flood events were determined in the years 1955, 1965, 1995, 2013, and 2014. The event in September 2014 was determined to be the most intensive.
Important data for flood are return periods. For the calculation of the return period different types of distribution curves were used, such as Log Pearson 3, and generalized extreme value distribution (GEV). In most cases for the selected station Log Pearson 3 was utilized, specifically in 11 cases. The calculations were made for 13 stations. Lower return periods had a good fitting with the theoretical distribution curve, meanwhile higher return periods had worse fittings. But the latter were still good enough for the results to be used. Considering the surface and return period, the vulnerability of the area was also determined. In the area where there is a possibility of the groundwater reaching surface and the return period is less than 100 years, there are the following stations: Melinci, Krog and, Rankovci. The area of station Rankovci is also the only place where the underground water had reached the surface.