Graduation thesis deals with the remediation of the Lajše landslide in the municipality of Železniki. The landslide has a form of 70 m long and narrow unstable area with visible surface deformations, which cause settlements of a local road sitting on the top of the landslide. The first part of the thesis presents the theoretical background of landslide remediation including a description of the software used for the stability analyses of the present and designed state. Furthermore, the relevant environmental and construction legislation is presented. The second part of the thesis presents the material characteristics of soils and rocks, groundwater level and measured displacements in this area, identified by geological and geomechanical investigations. The data obtained from the boreholes served as the basis for the stability back-analysis performed with the Slide 9.0 software. Based on the results of stability analysis, remediation measures were proposed in terms of reinforced embankment between the profiles P1-P20, while the original designer's solution utilizing anchored pile wall is adopted between the profile P20-P30. The quantities of earth excavation for remediation works and the estimated quantities of generated construction waste are also given in the thesis.