
Formiranje cvetnih šopov in posameznih cvetov pri različnih skupinah vrtnic (Rosa spp.)
ID Dernovšek, Manja (Avtor), ID Schmitzer, Valentina (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Namen diplomskega dela je bilo ugotoviti, kakšna je sposobnost tvorbe cvetnih šopov in oblikovanja posameznih cvetov po presajanju odraslih rastlin vrtnic (Rosa spp.). Februarja 2017 so bile pet let stare vrtnice presajene iz hortikulturnega centra BF v Biljah v okolico Biotehniške fakultete v Ljubljani. V opazovanje smo vključili prekrovne vrtnice (3), mnogocvetne vrtnice (4), popenjave vrtnice (4), plezalke (4) in debelne vrtnice (3). Meritve smo opravili 31. maja, 17. junija, 31. junija in 17. julija 2017. Spremljali smo število cvetnih šopov na posamezni rastlini, število cvetov v cvetnem šopu, dolžino cvetnih stebel in velikost cvetov. Na podlagi pridobljenih podatkov smo primerjali cvetenje med posameznimi sortami in skupinami vrtnic. V prvem terminu smo prešteli največ cvetnih šopov pri plezalkah (34,2), v drugem (26,9) in tretjem (4,8) pri prekrovnih in v zadnjem terminu pri debelnih vrtnicah (3,9). Najmanj cvetnih šopov smo zabeležili pri debelnih vrtnicah v prvih dveh terminih meritev (6,1 oz. 4,2), v tretjem in zadnjem pa pri plezalkah (0,1 oz. 0,3). Največ cvetov v cvetnem šopu smo v prvem terminu zabeležili pri plezalkah (45,6), v drugih terminih pa pri pokrovnih vrtnicah (31,2; 6,9 in 4,0). Najmanj cvetov v cvetnem šopu smo v vseh terminih zabeležili pri debelnih vrtnicah (2,9; 1,5; 1,2; 1,3). Najdaljše cvetno steblo v prvem in tretjem terminu smo zabeležili pri pokrovnih vrtnicah (49,8 cm oz. 43,7 cm), v drugem in zadnjem pa pri popenjavih vrtnicah (62,2 cm oz. 14,3 cm). Najkrajše cvetno steblo v prvem in drugem terminu meritev smo zabeležili pri debelnih vrtnicah (20,6 oz. 8,9 cm), v tretjem in zadnjem terminu pa pri mnogocvetnih vrtnicah (6 oz. 15,7 cm) Največji premer cveta smo zabeležili pri debelnih vrtnicah v prvem in zadnjem terminu meritev (79,7 oz. 88 mm) in pri popenjavih vrtnicah v drugem in tretjem terminu meritev (75,2 oz 62,3 mm). Najmanjši premer cveta smo zabeležili pri plezalkah (49,4 mm) v prvem terminu meritev, pri prekrovnih sortah v drugem terminu in tretjem terminu meritev (40,1 oz. 45,9mm), v zadnjem terminu meritev smo lahko odprte cvetove opazovali le še pri popenjavih (77,8 mm) in debelnih vrtnicah (88 mm). Izkazalo se je, da so vrtnice iz vseh skupin, z izjemo debelnih vrtnic, zelo lepo cvetele v prvem letu po presajanju.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:okrasno vrtnarstvo, vrtnice, Rosa spp., presajanje odraslih rastlin, formiranje cvetnih šopov, formiranje cvetov
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:BF - Biotehniška fakulteta
Založnik:[M. Dernovšek]
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121315 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:32220163 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:04.10.2020
Število ogledov:947
Število prenosov:101
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The formation of flower bunches and individual flowers in different groups of roses (Rosa spp.)
The purpose of my bachelor thesis was to monitor the formation of flower bunches and individual flowers in the first year after transplanting mature roses (Rosa spp.) In February 2017 five years old rose plants were transplanted from the horticultural centre of Biotechnical Faculty in Bilje to a location nearby Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana. Different rose groups were included in the monitoring: groundcover roses (3), floribundas (4), climbing roses (4), ramblers (4) and standard roses (3). Measurements were performed on three plants of each cultivar on 4 dates: May 31st, June 17th, June 31st and July 17th -of. The following measurements were performed: the number of flower bunches on individual plants, the number of flowers in a flower bunch, the length of flower stalk and the diameter of flowers. Flowering characteristics were compared among different groups and cultivars. Ramblers developed the most flower bunches on the first date (37,2), groundcover roses on the second and third date (26,9 and 4,8) and standard roses on the last date (3,9). The lowest number of flower bunches was recorded in the group of standard roses on the first two dates (6,1 and 4,2) and in the group of climbing roses on the third and fourth date (0,1 and 0,3). The highest number of flowers in the flower bunch was measured in ramblers on the first date (45,6) and groundcovers on all other dates (31,2; 6,9 and 4,0). Standard roses developed the least flowers in the flower bunch irrelevant of the date (2,9; 1,5; 1,2 and 1,3). The longest flower stalk was measured in ground cover roses on the first and third dates (49,8 and 43,7 cm), and climbing roses on the second and fourth date (62,2 and 14,3 cm). The shortest flower stalk was observed in standard roses on the first and second date (20,6 and 8,9 cm), and in floribundas on the third and fourth data (6 and 15,7 cm). The largest flower diameter was recorded in standard roses on the first and last date (79,7 and 88 mm) and in climbing roses on the second and third date (75,2 and 62,3 mm). The smallest flower diameter was observed in ramblers on the first date (49,4 mm), groundcover roses on the second and third date (40,1 and 45,9 mm). On the last date only climbing (77,8 mm) and standard roses (88 mm) still developed flowers. We can conclude that roses from all groups, with the exception of standard roses, continued their generative growth in the first year after transplanting mature plants.

Ključne besede:ornamental gardening, roses, Rosa spp., transplantation of adult plants, formation of blossom wisps, formation of individual blossoms

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