Introduction: Deep vein thrombosis is a common complication in treatment of critically ill patients in intensive care units. It is a life-threatening condition, which can be prevented to a certain amount with a suitable chemical or mechanical thromboprophylaxis. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to perform a literature review to present the efficiency and usage of devices for intermittent pneumatic compression, describe nurses’ experiences with them, as well as identify factors, which influence safety during their usage. Methods: A descriptive method with a review of Slovene and English professional and scientific literature was used. The search was made using the Digital Library of the University of Ljubljana (DiKUL) portal and international online databases CINAHL and Medline. Slovene literature was searched in the COBISS.SI mutual catalogue database and in the library of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Ljubljana. For content analysis we used 12 units of literature, which were assessed by a 4-stage scale. Results: Devices for intermittent pneumatic compression are an efficient and safe mechanical thromboprophylaxis. According to findings of studies use of these devices significantly decreases the risk for development of deep vein thrombosis. Nurses have an important role in correct use of devices for mechanical thromboprophylaxis. The incorrect use of these devices can be the reason for inefficient mechanical thromboprophylaxis. In the examined articles are pointed out two common mistakes: cuffs are not placed, even though critically ill patients need them, and devices are not turned on. Nurses had problems with placing the cuffs and unsuitable cuff size. Patients also had issues with devices for intermittent pneumatic compression. They reported troubles, such as sweating, constant compressing and sleep disturbance. Injuries of skin and falls due to limited movement while using these devices were also mentioned. Discussion and conclusion: It is important to perform a timely and systematic risk assessment for deep vein thrombosis and make an individual plan of thromboprophylaxis. Devices for intermittent pneumatic compression are a suitable choice for prevention of deep vein thrombosis in critically ill patients. For a correct use of these devices is needed knowledge. Therefore, health care workers need continuous professional training. They have to pay attention to the obstacles which affect efficiency of mechanical thromboprophylaxis. This topic is scarcely examined in Slovenia, so the thesis could be used as a source for further research.