Mountains are sensitive ecosystems susceptible to pollution. Ombrotrophic peat bogs enable a combination of biogeomonitoring due to their vulnerability and great importance. Mosses easily accumulate metals from the air, which makes them useful for biogeomonitoring. Ombrotrophic peat bogs on Pokljuka developed on carbonates, whereas on Pohorje on granodiorites. Samples of genus Sphagnum were taken at five different locations, including peat bogs Goreljek, Šijec and Veliko Blejsko barje on Pokljuka and Črno jezero and Lovrenško jezero on Pohorje. Biogeomonitoring of mosses gave us the chemical composition of previously mentioned peat bogs. The results within the bogs were very heterogeneous, as well as in comparison to other bogs. Co, Mo, Na and P have shown statistically significant differences between Pokljuka and Pohorje. Medians of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) on different locations were: 0,20 mg/kg As, 0,17 mg/kg Co, 3,76 mg/kg Cu, 2,55 mg/kg Cr, 0,80 mg/kg Ni, 3,35 mg/kg Pb and 27,40 mg/kg Zn. We also compared medians between Pokljuka and Pohorje, which gave us similar values for Ag, Al, Ba, Bi, Cr, Cu, Fe, Gd, Hg, La, Mg, Mo, Nd, Pb, S, Sb, Se, Sm, Sr, U, V and Zn (ratio between medians Pokljuka/Pohorje: 0,8 – 1,2), whereas we got higher values of As, Au, Co, Na and Ni on Pokljuka (ratio between medians Pokljuka/Pohorje: 1,3 – 1,7) and higher values of Ca, Cd, K, Mn, P, Sc and Ti on Pohorje (ratio between medians Pokljuka/Pohorje: 0,8 and lower). Difference between the median values on Pokljuka and Pohorje is probably the consequence of the greater exposure to western Pannonian winds of the East Pohorje area. More K on Pohorje is probably the consequence of the granodioritic basis. We have also compared the medians with the results measured within Europe and came to a conclusion, that there are much higher values of As (1,9 fold higher), Cr (12 fold higer), Cu (1,7 fold higher), Pb (2,7 fold higher), V (3 fold higher) and Zn (1,4 fold higher) in Slovenia. Roentgenogram of the XRF analysis showed that mosses are mostly consisted of silica (opal).