
Ločitev zapuščine
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V slovenski dednopravni ureditvi na dediča s trenutkom zapustnikove smrti ipso iure, to je po samem zakonu, preide zapuščina, ki se spoji z dedičevim dotedanjim premoženjem v celoto. S pridobitvijo zapuščine na dediča preidejo vse podedljive pravice in dolgovi, ki jih je imel zapustnik ob svoji smrti. Dediči praviloma odgovarjajo za dolgove zapustnika s celotnim premoženjem, lastnim in podedovanim, do višine vrednosti zapuščine (odgovornost pro viribus hereditatis). Ločitev zapuščine predstavlja institut, ki odgovornost dediča za zapustnikove dolgove vrednostno in stvarno omeji izključno na zapuščino (odgovornost cum viribus hereditatis). Namen ločitve zapuščine je v zavarovanju terjatev zapustnikovih upnikov v primeru dedičeve prezadolženosti. Zapustnikovi upniki morajo za dosego ločitve zapuščine od lastnega premoženja dediča v treh mesecih od uvedbe dedovanja vložiti predlog za ločitev, v katerem morajo s stopnjo verjetnosti dokazati obstoj svoje terjatve. Dokazovanja prezadolženosti dediča veljavna ureditev ne določa. O ločitvi zapuščine odloča zapuščinsko sodišče s sklepom. Če sodišče ločitev dovoli, se zapuščina loči od lastnega premoženja dediča z učinkom ex tunc. Terjatve zapustnikovih upnikov, ki so predlagali ločitev, se poplačajo izključno iz premoženja, ki ga predstavlja zapuščina. Dedič in njegovi upniki do poplačila upnikov separatistov z zapuščino ne morejo razpolagati ali se iz nje poplačati. Ukrep ločitve zapuščine traja do poplačila upnikov separatistov.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:zapustnik, zapuščina, dolgovi zapustnika, odgovornost za zapustnikove dolgove, zapustnikovi upniki, ločitev zapuščine, upnik separatist
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:PF - Pravna fakulteta
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120619 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:30440451 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:23.09.2020
Število ogledov:2065
Število prenosov:282
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Separation of the estate
The estate of the deceased in the event of his/her demise ipso iure, i. e. according to the Slovenian inheritance law, passes to the possession of the heir and merges with the heir's previous assets into one totality of his property. With the acquirement of the legacy, the heir also inherits all of the heritable rights and debts of the deceased at the time of his/her death. The heirs are generally liable to repay the debts made by the deceased with their entire assets, as well as with those inherited, but only up to the level of the value of the estate (responsibility pro viribus hereditatis). The separation of the estate presents a legal institute that restricts the responsibility of the heir for the deceased’s debts in monetary value and as physical assets exclusively on the estate (responsibility cum viribus hereditatis). The purpose of the aforementioned separation is the insurance of the debts, made by the preferential creditors of the deceased in the case of the legatee's over-indebtedness. In order to attain the separation of the estate, the creditors of the deceased must submit a proposal for the separation three months after the devolution of the inheritance would have taken place and wherein they must prove their claims with the degree of probability. The current legislation does not provide for giving the evidence on the over-indebtedness of the heir. The court having mandate to rule on the succession decides upon the separation of the estate with its ruling. If the court allows the separation, the estate is disassociated from the personal property of the heir with the effect of ex tunc. The claims of the creditors of the deceased who proposed the separation, are repaid solely out of the assets which comprise the estate. The heir and his creditors are not able to possess the estate or use it to remunerate themselves until the preferential creditors are repaid. The separation of the estate lasts up to the repayment of the preferential creditors.

Ključne besede:deceased, the estate, debts of the deceased, liability for the deceased's debts, deceased's creditor, separation of the estate, preferential creditor

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