
Paleoklimatološke metode
ID Mašinović, Aldijana (Author), ID Črepinšek, Zalika (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Paleoklimatologija je preučevanje podnebja v daljni preteklosti, ko se še niso izvajale sistematične meteorološke meritve in opazovanja. Cilj je ugotoviti kdaj, kako in zakaj se je podnebje v preteklosti spreminjalo. S poznavanjem podnebja v preteklosti in vzrokov teh sprememb lažje napovemo podnebna dogajanja v prihodnosti. Podnebne podatke lahko razdelimo na tri kategorije: instrumentalne, zgodovinske in prazgodovinske. Instrumentalni podnebni podatki so tisti, ki so pridobljeni z napravami za beleženje podnebnih podatkov, so zelo natančni, vendar na voljo le za zadnjih 300 let. Zgodovinski podatki izvirajo iz pisnih zapisov pred izumom merilnih naprav in metod za opazovanje podnebja, to so uradni dokumenti o pridelkih in gibanju cen, revije, pisma in zapisi o fenoloških opazovanjih. Za prazgodovinsko obdobje pa nimamo nobenih podnebnih podatkov, zato znanstveniki uporabljajo različne geološke, glaciološke, biološke in astronomske metode za zbiranje nadomestnih podatkov. Klimatske spremembe ugotavljajo z raziskavami drevesnih branik, jezerskih ali oceanskih usedlin, z izotopskimi raziskavami kamnin in ledu in proučevanjem kapnikov. Na osnovi tega lahko pridobimo paleoklimatološke podatke o temperaturah zraka in tal, sončnem sevanju, količini padavin, oblačnosti, lastnostih vetra, tal in vegetacije, s pomočjo katerih rekonstruiramo podnebje v preteklosti.

Keywords:paleoklimatologija, podnebne spremembe, nadomestni podatki
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[A. Mašinović]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120438 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:29707523 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Paleoclimatological methods
Paleoclimatology is the study of climate in the distant past, when systematic meteorological measurements and observations had not yet been carried out. The aim is to find out when, how and why the climate has changed in the past. By knowing the climate in the past and the causes of changes, we can more accurately predict climate events in the future. Climate data can be divided into three categories: instrumental, historical and prehistoric. Instrumental climate data are those obtained with climate data recording devices. They are very accurate, but only available for last 300 years. Historical data come from written records before the invention of measuring devices and methods for climate observation such as official documents on yields and price movements, journals, letters and records on phenological observations. For the prehistoric period, however, we have no climatic data, so scientists use a variety of geological, glaciological, biological, and astronomical methods to collect the so-called proxy (alternate) data. Information on the past climate can be obtained from tree rings, lake or ocean sediments, isotopic analyzes of rocks and ice cores or speleothems studies. By analyzing these, we can obtain paleoclimatological data such as air and soil temperatures, solar radiation, precipitation, cloud cover, wind, soil and vegetation properties, volcanic eruptions with which we can reconstruct the past climate.

Keywords:paleoclimatology, climate change, proxy data

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