
Uporaba metode KarstALEA za napovedovanje kraških pojavov na trasi proge 2TDK : diplomska naloga
ID Tolar, Uroš (Avtor), ID Logar, Janko (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Žibert, Marko (Komentor)

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20,5 km od skupno 27,1 km dolge železniške proge drugega tira Divača-Koper poteka skozi predore, ki bodo narejeni skozi kraški teren. Na podlagi rezultatov geoloških in hidrogeoloških preiskav ter podatkov jamskega raziskovanja, so bili na trasi predorov določeni odseki, kjer med izkopom predorskih cevi obstaja velika možnost prečkanja raznolikih kraških pojavov. Cilj diplomske naloge je opis ene izmed metod za napovedovanje kraških pojavov, ki je bila izdelana v Švici, z imenom KarstALEA, ter uporaba te metode na predoru T2. Diplomska naloga na začetku opiše projekt 2TDK in težave povezane z njim. Sledi podroben opis metode KarstALEA, ki jo lahko razdelimo na tri faze. To so začetna presoja, preiskovanje tal in KarstALEA med gradnjo. Opisani so štirje sklopi preiskav, ki se delijo na: geološke, hidrogeološke, speleološke in preiskave začetnih diskontinuitet. V tretjem delu so predstavljene preiskave, ki so bile ali pa še bodo izvedene na trasi 2TDK, natančneje na predoru T2. Na koncu je narejena primerjava med izvedenimi preiskavami na 2TDK in preiskavami, ki jih predvideva metoda KarstALEA. Ne glede na to, da preiskave za projekt 2TDK niso povsem sledile navodilom KarstALE-e, lahko vidimo, da je bila izvedena večina preiskav. S tem pokažemo, da lahko akademsko znanje, zbrano v metodi KarstALEA, praktično prenesemo v uporabo pri načrtovanju in gradnji predorov.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:metoda KarstALEA, kraški pojavi, predorogradnja, projekt 2TDK, predor T2
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FGG - Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120352 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:30985219 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:18.09.2020
Število ogledov:1756
Število prenosov:174
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Using the KarstALEA method for predicting karst formations on the second track of the Divača-Koper railway line : graduation thesis
20.5 km of the 27.1 km long second track of the Divača-Koper railway line runs through tunnels, constructed in a karstic terrain. Based on the results from geological and hydrogeological tests, as well as the data from cave explorations, sections with a high possibility of crossing through karst formations during the excavation of tunnel tubes were determined. The aim of this Bachelor thesis is to describe one of the methods for the prediction of karst formations, called KarstALEA, and use of this method on the T2 tunnel. It was developed in Switzerland. The first part of the thesis gives the overall description of the 2TDK project and certain design issues it presented. This is followed by a detailed description of the KarstALEA method, which can be divided into three phases. These are the initial judgement, ground investigation and using the KarstALEA method during construction. Additionally, four sets of tests are described: geological, hydrogeological, speleological and initial discontinuities tests. The third part of the thesis presents the tests, which were performed on the 2TDK track for tunnel T2, as well as those which will be performed in the future. To conclude, a comparison between the 2TDK project and the KarstALEA method is made. Although the tests for the 2TDK project did not follow the KarstALEA instructions to the letter, most tests were nonetheless taken into account. Based on this, it is clear that academic knowledge gathered from the KarstALEA method can be used practically during the tunnel design and construction phases.

Ključne besede:KarstALEA method, karst formations, tunneling, 2TDK project, T2 tunnel

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