The aim of B. Sc. Thesis was to present methods for evaluating emotional states in dogs. Over the years, humans have carried out the selection on dogs and selected dogs that would be dependent on humans as possible and need human closeness. Therefore, it is important to understand dog's emotions so we can enable them a better life, a suitable environment, give the dog the opportunity to express specific behaviour and avoid diseases that can be the result of not meeting the needs of the dog. Emotions cannot be measured directly, but we can measure behavioural, physiological, and neural indicators of emotions. Dog mentality assessment (DMA) test can be used to investigate behavioural indicators. The test contains several subtests in which we evaluate the responses of dogs. Physiological indicators of emotions measure physiological changes in the body, such as changes in the hormonal and respiratory systems, changes in blood vessels, heart and body temperature. For measuring body temperature, we can use the method called thermography. This is a method that shows the thermal distribution on the surface of the animal and allows detection of anomaliesin temperature. One of the methods of neural indicators are cognitive approaches. An example of such approaches is judgment bias, which is based on the hypothesis that animals will show a pessimistic or optimistic response. Neural changes in the brain can be measured by various methods, such as magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography and infrared spectroscopy, and help us understand how the brain responds to different emotions.