In researching social phenomena, one of the key processes is data collection. Given that we can collect all types of information, we know other methods of collecting them accordingly. However, each method can have a very large impact on how much data could be collected and how much of it will be useful for further analysis. The type of instrument used in collecting the data is also very important. Before we start analyzing the data, we must determine how suitable the chosen instrument of data collection was for our purpose.
In the dissertation we will compare findings about the quality of the chosen questionnaire based on the chosen methods of the cognitive laboratory. Based on the PANOCYC questionnaire, which consist of 20 statements regarding caring, we collected data about the quality of the questionnaire using different qualitative methods of the cognitive laboratory. Based on the gathered data we try to determine what kind of data we get by using different methods of cognitive laboratory.
We will compare the following methods: online cognitive interview and offline cognitive interview with selected techniques: think-aloud, verbal probing and definitions.
I will also analyze and compare the findings on the quality of this questionnaire.