In this thesis we analysed diet practices and methods for rapid weight loss (RWL) with subsequent regeneration after it before competition in judo. The aim of the thesis was to explore the mentioned topic both by reviewing the literature and by conducting a survey with a questionnaire among world-class judoka. The first part of the thesis presents a review of methods and strategies of RWL and regeneration. Nutrition and the right timing of the application of RWL methods are key factors that optimise the process and minimise negative consequences of RWL on athlete's psychophysical condition. The second part of the work is an analysis of the survey, which was aimed at top international judoka who are ranked on the senior World Ranking List (WRL) from the 1st to the 150th place in each weight category. We received 138 valid responses from competitors from all categories and continents, representing 7.7 % of the total number of top 150 WRL seniors (heavyweights excluded). From 138 respondents, 133 (96.4 %) practise RWL with an average relative body mass reduction (%BMR) of 5.8 % 2,3 % vs. their day-to-day weight. Respondents were also asked about the following topics: beginning of using RWL methods in their career, RWL aggression, diets before competition, sources of information about RWL and nutrition, calorie counting, special diets and diets during the recovery phase. The study showed that both RWL methods and nutrition in the RWL phase and during pre-competition weight gain are related to physiological and psychophysical conditions (positive and negative effects) and success in competitions. We also investigated differences with regard to gender, age, education, continental affiliation, and especially with regard to performance or position in the WRL. It was found that the most successful judoka (1–20 WRL) compared to those who follow them, lose weight less severely and less aggressively and start RWL later in their career.