This master's thesis examines how school guidance counsellors in Slovene primary schools understand the term permissive education and what consequences they observe in children they work with. In the theoretical part, I present how family life changed with the transformation of modern family to postmodern family and what novelties were the result of changes in the fields of motherhood and parenthood. Particular attention is paid to how childhood and education are perceived; moreover, I focus more specifically on how permissive education and postmodern parenthood are defined. I present the significance of democratic education or school tailored to children's needs as well as the role of a school guidance counsellor. The empirical part presents the results of a focus group that included seven guidance counsellors. The results of the survey show that permissive education is prevalent in schools, which has consequences in children's social sphere and increases their reluctance to take responsibility for their actions and their lack of independence. Children are allowed to do many things, which is why generations of today are very spoilt. School guidance counsellors provide assistance through counselling, where they cooperate with parents and children in order to find a solution to their problem.