
Spodbujanje zdravega življenjskega sloga v hotelskem turizmu : magistrsko delo
ID Maslo Plečnik, Žiga (Author), ID Dolenc, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je bil s študijo primera (kvalitativno raziskovanje) in preučevanjem obstoječe literature predstaviti delovanje organizacije, ki spodbuja zdrav življenjski slog v hotelskem turizmu. Odgovorili smo na raziskovalno vprašanje, kako Inspira Fitness spodbuja zdrav življenjski slog v hotelskem turizmu. Podatke smo zbirali iz dolgotrajnega neposrednega opazovanja (6-mesečna Erasmus praksa), intervjuja z vodjo in s 6 zaposlenimi za določen čas. Ugotovili smo, da Inspira Fitness deluje v 6 hotelih in da so vadbe vodene. Izvajajo vadbo joge, pilatesa, vodno telovadbo, vodno kolesarjenje, vodno zumbo, vadbo za oblikovanje telesa, funkcionalno vadbo, vadbo za stabilnost telesnega jedra in ravnotežja, vadbo za zdrav hrbet, vadbo za gibljivost in mobilnost, vitalno hojo, zumbo, globoko delo, uvodni trening v fitnesu, meditacijo, relaksacijo, savna rituale in samomasažo z valjčkom. Ugotovili smo, da Inspira Fitness pozitivno vpliva na vse dejavnike, ki po Berčiču (1999) (str. 15) določajo zdrav življenjski slog, in sicer: zadostna količina telesne dejavnosti; duševnost, duhovnost in povezavo s svetom; druženje s prijatelji in navezovanje pristnih čustvenih stikov; izogibanje nezdravim življenjskim navadam ter vsakodnevno izobraževanje in miselno delo. S svojimi programi Inspira Fitness pozitivno vpliva tudi na zmanjševanje stresa ter telesne nedejavnosti. Potrdimo lahko predvsem kratkoročne učinke programa, torej učinke na hotelske goste med počitnicami in tik po njih. Za potrditev in ocenitev dolgoročnih učinkov podobnih programov so potrebne nadaljnje raziskave. Ugotovili smo številne prednosti, slabosti, nevarnosti in pomanjkljivosti, s katerimi smo podrobneje predstavili delovanje omenjene organizacije. Naše delo bo v pomoč vsem, ki jih zanima ta problematika.

Keywords:zdrav življenjski slog, dejavniki, ki vplivajo na zdrav življenjski slog, wellness turizem, Inspira Fitness, hotelski turizem
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119703 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:30915331 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Promotion of healthy lifestyle in hotel tourism
The purpose of this master thesis was with case study (qualitative research) and with research of literature present organization which promotes healthy lifestyle in hotel tourism. We have answered the research question: how Inspira Fitness promotes healthy lifestyle in hotel tourism. We have gathered information from long term observation (6 months Erasmus internship), interview with manager of Inspira Fitness and interviews with 6 employees for permanent time. We have found that Inspira Fitness operates in 6 different hotels, with mainly group exercises. They are providing clases such as: yoga, pilates, water exercise, poolbike, aqua zumba, body shaping workout, functional workout, core and balance exercise, flexibility and mobility exercise, vital walking, zumba, deepwork, personal workout, meditation, relaxation, sauna rituals and fascia training. When studying on which factors that has effect on healthy lifestyle Inspira Fitness has effect, we have used factors that were suggested by Berčič (1999) (page 15). We have found out, that Inspira Fitness has positive effect on: enough physical activity; mental health, spirituality and connection with world; socializing with friends and making meaningful social contacts; avoiding unhealthy life choices and everyday education and mind work. It also has effect on all components of healthy lifestyle. We can say that Inspira Fitness has mostly short-term benefits, so benefits between and just after holidays for guests of hotels. Further research is needed so that we can know long-term effects of such programs. We have found out multiple strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities which helped us to present the case of Inspira Fitness more in depth. Our work could benefit everyone who are interested in this theme.

Keywords:Inspira Fitness, healthy lifestyle, factors that have effect on healthy lifestyle, wellness tourism, hotel tourism

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