
Prepletanje fotografije in vezenine v tekstilnem oblikovanju
ID Matić, Mia (Avtor), ID Jenko, Marija (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: 7E9A2AB04AAE700B95D96D8B5834965E

Diplomsko delo v začetnih poglavjih zajema temo tekstilne umetnosti s poudarkom na rabi vezenine in razvoju fotografije v Sloveniji in po svetu. Pri vezenini se osredotoča na vrste vezenin, značilne predvsem za Slovenijo in balkansko območje ter njihov namen in uporabo, prav tako pa razloži pomen rdeče barve in pomen vezeninskega okrasja kot zaščite. V zadnjem delu naloga povzame razvoj fotografije človeškega portreta in omeni prve metode, ki so pripomogle k hitremu razmahu fotografije, ter povzame postopek razvoja fotografije na Slovenskem. V eksperimentalnem delu diplomska naloga opredeli korake, ki so vodili do nastanka izdelkov. Pojasni prvine likovne teorije, ki pripomorejo k umevanju oblikovne in slogovne likovne analize fotografij. Opiše potek fotografiranja v eksterierju in uporabljene fotografske pripomočke, tiskanje na blago in načrtovanje vezenja. Opiše enega izmed najstarejših ohranjenih primerkov trapunto kilta, ki je služil kot inspiracija za enega izmed nastalih izdelkov iz serije. Poglobi se v oris pojma identitete; teme, ki je prisotna skozi celotno zbirko končnih izdelkov. V zadnji polovici praktičnega dela naloga likovno analizira posamezne fotografije in pokaže postavitev v prostoru. Motivika diplomskega dela je preplet oziroma odnos med fotografijo in vezenino, ki se združita na tekstilu. Njen namen je raziskati, kako tehniki delujeta med seboj, in kako se oblikovna podoba fotografije spreminja najprej s potiskom na blago in potem z vnosom vezenine. Posledično nastane serija petih izdelkov oziroma petih načinov prepleta digitalnega z ročnim, ki gledalcu omogočajo vizualno stimulacijo, ki nagovarja k razmisleku.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:tekstilna umetnost, vezenina, črno-bela fotografija, portret, identiteta
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:NTF - Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119502 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:09.09.2020
Število ogledov:1361
Število prenosov:181
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Intertwining Photography and Embroidery in Textile Design
In the first few chapters, the thesis deals with the theme of textile art, emphasizing the usage of embroidery and detailing the development of photography in Slovenia and around the world. On the topic of embroidery, it focuses on different types of embroideries, typical of Slovenia and the Balkans, as well as their purposes and usages. It also explains the meaning of the colour red and touches upon embroidery decoration as a form of protection. In the last section, the thesis summarizes the evolution of portrait photography and describes the first techniques which have aided the rise of photography and the process of the development of photography in Slovenia. In the experimental part, the thesis traces the steps that have led to the realisation of the final product. It explains the elements of art theory, which help to understand the form and style analyses of the photography. It also describes the photography process in an exterior environment, the photography equipment used, the printing procedure on textile and the introduction of the embroidery on the textile. The experimental part of the thesis also mentions one of the oldest preserved examples of trapunto quilts, which served as an inspiration for one of my own products from the series. In the thesis, I also explore the meaning of an identity, a concept that is present throughout the whole collection of my final work. In the last segment, the thesis analyses individual formal elements of photographs and depicts them in a layout in a space. The general theme of the thesis is the intertwining and the relationship between photography and embroidery, merging on fabric. Its goal is to explore how the two techniques behave with one another, and how the visual image of photography evolves first after being printed on fabric and then when embroidery is introduced. The final result is a series of five pieces of digital work and handwork intertwining, which is visually stimulating to the viewer and prompts further reflection.

Ključne besede:textile art, embroidery, black-and-white photography, portrait, identity

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