
Socialni odnos med vzgojiteljem in otrokom v vrtcu : magistrsko delo
ID Žabkar, Katja (Avtor), ID Mesec, Bojana (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Vzgojno vplivanje v vrtcu je odvisno od socialnega odnosa, razmerja med vzgojiteljem in vzgajanim. Pedagoška teorija ter tudi praksa se premika od avtoritarnih odnosov, ki so zahtevali poslušnost in podreditev, do permisivnih vzorcev odnosov, ki kljub dobrim nameram ne prinesejo vedno pozitivnih rezultatov. Sodobna pedagoška teorija se nagiba k pravičnim, demokratičnim socialnim odnosom in znotraj teh na sodelovalno vzgojno vplivanje, ki z upoštevanjem razvojno-psiholoških značilnosti otroka ter ustrezno motivacijo otrokom pomaga razviti moralo, odgovornost in samostojnost. V okviru naloge me zanima pojem pedagoškega odnosa, zanj potrebne kompetence vzgojitelja, avtoriteta, vzgojni stil in odgovor na vprašanje, kakšen odnos v vrtcu vodi do željenih vzgojnih učinkov ter kateri socialno pedagoški koncepti so lahko pri tem v pomoč. V teoretičnem delu sem se najprej osredinila na otroštvo kot obdobje, ki se je skozi zgodovino vzporedno z družbenim razvojem ves čas spreminjalo in oblikovalo. V nadaljevanju magistrskega dela sem opisala socialno delovne koncepte krepitve moči, etike udeleženosti, participacije in delovnega odnosa. Na oblikovanje teh konceptov je vplivala sodobna postmoderna filozofija, sama pa jih smatram za sestavni element socialne kompetence vzgojitelja, ki vstopa v odnos z otroki in starši. V poglavju o odnosih in socialni kompetenci sem se osredotočila na socialno mrežo in pedagoški odnos v vrtcu. V tem sklopu sem pojasnila pripadajoče pojme in koncepte. Z zbiranjem teoretične osnove sem želela oblikovati teorijo demokratičnega pedagoškega odnosa, ki pojasni premosorazmerno odvisnost odnosa med vzgojiteljem in otrokom ter vzgojnim učinkom. Sodoben pedagoški odnos vključuje transfer, meje in vodenje, sprejemanje kompetentnega posameznika z upoštevanjem njegovih sposobnosti in izkušenj, zavedanje o razporeditvi moči, ki je ne izkorišča za manipulacijo, otroku predstavlja zgled – avtoriteto, ki jo otrok posnema in se od nje uči ter posledično doseže vzgojne učinke in načrtovane cilje, ki ga vodijo k lastni avtonomiji. Odgovore sem iskala v literaturi ter jih podprla z raziskovanjem v praksi. V Vrtcu Črnuče sem opazovala dve skupini otrok ter medsebojne odnose med otroki in vzgojiteljicami. Skozi intervju sem zbirala predstave štirih vzgojiteljic o socialnih odnosih ter o konkretnih odnosih, ki jih v skupini ustvarjajo z otroki. Zanimali so me posamezni elementi socialnega odnosa med vzgojiteljem in otroki v vrtcu, kateri vzgojni stil prevladuje v posamezni skupini in katera oblika avtoritete je pri tem prisotna ter v kolikšni meri so strokovnim delavcem znani socialno delovni koncepti. Poleg intervjuja sem podatke zbirala z opazovanjem otrok in klime v skupinah. Rezultati raziskave so dokazali zavedanje vzgojiteljev o sodobnih načelih vzgoje in odnosov, vendar je v praksi še vedno nekaj ovir za popolnoma demokratičen odnos in sodelovanje, saj je odnos živa materija, ki je posledica sodelovanja večih akterjev, njihovih preteklih izkušenj in same kulture določene družbe ter njenih posameznikov. Kaže se potreba po sodelovanju družine z vrtcem in obratno, vzgojitelj mora nastopati avtonomno, kar zmore le z znanjem, s katerim podkrepi svoje zahteve in pričakovanja, z doslednostjo in načrtovanjem, ki poleg oprijemljivih izdelkov in opisljivih dejavnosti zajema tudi situacije, v katerih otroci krepijo socialne spretnosti in se učijo ubesediti čustva, svoje meje in potrebe.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:medsebojni odnosi, pedagoški odnos, vzgojni stil, avtoriteta, socialno delovni odnos
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:FSD - Fakulteta za socialno delo
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[K. Žabkar]
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119492 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:38402051 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:09.09.2020
Število ogledov:1985
Število prenosov:281
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Social relation between preschool teacher and child in kindergarten
The educational influence in kindergarten depends on the social relation, the relationship between the educator and the educatee. Pedagogical theory and practice have moved from authoritarian attitudes that required obedience and subordination to permissive patterns that, despite good intentions, do not always yield positive results. The modern pedagogical theory leans towards fair and democratic social relations and within them to a cooperative educational influence, which, taking into account the developmental and psychological characteristics of the child and appropriate motivation, helps children develop morality, responsibility and independence. In this thesis, I am interested in the concept of pedagogical relations, the necessary competencies of the educator, authority, educational style and the answer to the question of what attitude in kindergarten leads to the desired educational effects and which socio-pedagogical concepts can help. In the theoretical part, I focus on childhood as a period that has constantly changed and reshaped throughout history in parallel with social development. In the continuation of the thesis, I describe the social work concepts of empowerment, participation ethics and the working relationship. The shaping of these has been influenced by postmodern philosophy, and I consider them to be an integral part of the social competence of an educator, who enters a relationship with children and parents. In the chapter on relationships and social competence, I focus on the social network and pedagogical relationship in kindergarten. In this section, I explain the associated terms and concepts. By collecting the theoretical basis, I wanted to form a theory of a democratic pedagogical relationship, which explains the mutual dependence in a relationship between the educator and the child, and the educational effect. The modern pedagogical relationship includes transfer, boundaries and leadership, acceptance of a competent individual taking into account his abilities and experiences, awareness of the distribution of power, which is not used for manipulation, it sets an example for children – an authority that they imitate and learn from, so that it reaches educational effects and planned goals that lead them to their own autonomy. I searched for answers in literature and supported them with practical research. In the Kindergarten Črnuče, I observed two groups of children and the relationships between children and educators. Through the interview, I collected the views of four educators on the social and factual relationships they create with the children. I was interested in individual elements of the social relationship between the educator and the children in the kindergarten, which educational style prevails in each group, what form of authority is present and to what extent the educators are familiar with social work concepts. In addition to the interview, I collected data by observing the children and the atmosphere in the groups. The results of the research proved the educators' awareness of modern principles of education and relationships, but in practice there are still some obstacles to a fully democratic relationship and collaboration, as the relationship is a living matter resulting from the participation of several actors, their past experiences and the culture of a certain society and its individuals. There is a need for the collaboration between the family and the kindergarten, the educator must act autonomously, which can only be done with knowledge to support their requirements and expectations, with consistency and planning, which in addition to tangible products and descriptive activities, includes situations in which children strengthen social skills and learn to articulate their emotions, boundaries and needs.

Ključne besede:interpersonal relations, pedagogical relationship, educational style, authority, social working relationship

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