
Kopija v vlogi možnega načina varovanja stenske slike sv. Krištofa v Velikih Poljan pri Ribnici
ID Padovac, Danaja (Avtor), ID Trček Pečak, Tamara (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Mladenovič, Ajda (Komentor)

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MD5: 30285D48D3B928CDE77974B933CF2E04

Povzetek V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena digitalna rekonstrukcija na primeru fragmentov poslikave z motivom svetega Krištofa, ki je na južni fasadi cerkve svetega Tomaža v Velikih Poljanah. Poslikava je na zunanjščini in zato izpostavljena številnim negativnim vplivom, ki jo postopoma uničujejo, zato je zelo slabo ohranjena. Za izdelavo digitalne rekonstrukcije sem se odločila, ker v zadnjem času postaja zelo uporaben način za predstavitev umetnine, ko je dostop do izvirnika omejen ali ko so naslikane oblike brez rekonstrukcije manjkajočega neprepoznavne. Preden sem se lotila digitalne rekonstrukcije, sem in situ pregledala in ocenila stanje freske svetega Krištofa na južni fasadi cerkvene ladje. Zaradi slabe ohranjenosti sem se poglobila v raziskavo njenega stanja in zgodovine (historiata), nato pa v ikonografijo motiva. Pregledala sem številne analogije, da sem imela boljšo predstavo o motivu. Na podlagi vseh zbranih informacij sem začela digitalno rekonstrukcijo. V diplomski nalogi so predstavljena tri področja. V prvem sklopu so predstavljeni zgradba, materiali in tehnike klasične stenske slike. V drugem poglavju o kopistiki sem se posvetila zgodovini kopistike, pomenu in namenu kopiranja stenskih slik. Drugo poglavje sem podkrepila še z nekaj primeri digitalnih rekonstrukcij ter ocenila njihovo izvedbo in primernost. V tretjem delu poglavje »Izdelava digitalne rekonstrukcije« obravnava stanje umetnine ter postopke izdelave digitalne rekonstrukcije v programih Adobe Photoshop in Adobe Illustrator. Na koncu sem izbrala tudi tehniko tiskanja in materiale primerne za tisk rekonstrukcije.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Konservatorstvo-restavratorstvo, Goriška delavnica, Srednji vek, Umetnine na zunanjščini, Stenska poslikava, Restavriranje poškodb, Digitalna rekonstrukcija, Diplomska naloga.
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:ALUO - Akademija za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119491 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:09.09.2020
Število ogledov:874
Število prenosov:161
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:A copy in the role of a possible way of protecting the wall paintings of St. Krištof from Velike Poljane near Ribnica
Abstract The diploma thesis presented a digital reconstruction on the site of fragments of a painting with the motif of the Saint Christopher frescoon the exterior wall of the Church of Saint Thomas near Velike Poljane. The fresco is in an extremely deteriorated condition due to its situation on the outside wall, where it is gradually being destroyed by different factors. I decided to reconstruct it, but a restoration in situ using the buon fresco technique would not have been an appropriate procedure, because the reconstructed fresco would - like the original – deteriorate after some time. To prevent this from happening, I opted for the fabrication of a digital reconstruction, which could then be exhibited in the original location. Before tackling the fabrication of the digital reconstruction, I examined and assessed the condition of the Saint Christopher fresco in situ. The work is so severely deteriorated that hardly any detail could be discerned. Due to its damaged state, I had to explore minutely the story of Saint Christopher and examine several analogical artworks to get a better idea of the fresco’s motif before finally beginning the digital reconstruction. The thesis focuses on three aspects. The first, Traditional Wall Painting Materials and Techniques, analyses the composition and materials used in the production of a traditional wall painting. Chapter Two entitled Copistics examines the history of copistics as well as the importance and purpose of copying wall paintings. In addition, the last chapter features some other examples of digital reconstruction. The second part, Fabrication of the Digital Reconstruction, includes the iconographic analysis of the Saint Christopher wall painting, the collected analogical works, the assessment of the artwork’s condition, and the steps followed in the fabrication of the digital reconstruction in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. Finally, I also chose the print and the material which could be used to print the reconstruction.

Ključne besede:Conservation-restoration, Masters from Gorizia, Middle ages, Exterior artwork, Wall painting, Damage restoration Digital reconstruction, BA thesis

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