
Optimizacija uporabniške izkušnje spletnega mesta EnjoyLocal s pomočjo metodologij na uporabnika usmerjenega oblikovanja
ID Smrekar, Désirée (Author), ID Gabrijelčič Tomc, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je optimizacija uporabniške izkušnje spletnega mesta EnjoyLocal in izdelava prototipa. EnjoyLocal je blagovna znamka, ki promovira in povezuje avtentično, lokalno turistično ponudbo, hkrati pa informira o pomembnih dogodkih preko tiskovin, spletnega mesta in družbenih omrežij. Namen spletnega mesta je predstavitev bogate, raznolike lokalne turistične ponudbe, doživetij, dogodkov in turističnih informacij. V teoretičnem delu so podane definicije in razlage pojmov in metod, ki so bile uporabljene pri izdelavi interaktivnega prototipa. V eksperimentalnem delu so predstavljene metode dela, ki zajemajo analizo obstoječega spletnega mesta, analizo konkurence, izdelavo anketnega vprašalnika o obstoječem spletnem mestu, na podlagi katerega smo izvajali naslednje korake. Eksperimentalni del vključuje tudi proces oblikovanja ciljnih skupin in reprezentativnih person in posledično tudi izdelavo informacijske arhitekture, žičnih modelov, oblikovanje uporabniškega vmesnika in prototipa ter testiranje prototipa s pomočjo vprašalnika. V rezultatih in razpravi so predstavljeni rezultati in sklepi, ki smo jih dobili na podlagi analiz obstoječega spletnega mesta in konkurence. Prav tako so povzeti rezultati anketnega vprašalnika o obstoječem spletnem mestu. Opisane so ciljne skupine in reprezentativne persone. Prikazana je informacijska arhitektura prototipa spletnega mesta, posledično tudi žični modeli, uporabniški vmesnik in končni interaktivni prototip. Navedeni so tudi rezultati vprašalnika, s katerim smo testirali oblikovani prototip. Rezultat diplomskega dela je delujoč, interaktiven prototip, ki bo uporabljen kot izhodišče za prenovo spletnega mesta EnjoyLocal.

Keywords:Uporabniška izkušnja, na uporabnika usmerjeno oblikovanje, oblikovanje vmesnika, interaktivni prototip, EnjoyLocal
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119239 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2020
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Title:User experience optimisation of EnjoyLocal’s website employing user centered design methods
The purpose of this diploma thesis is the optimization of the user experience of EnjoyLocal’s website, employing user centered design methods. EnjoyLocal is a brand that promotes and connects the authentic local tourist offer, as well as it informs about important events and information via printed matter, website and social media. The purpose of their website is to present the rich, diverse local tourist offer, experiences, events and tourist information. The theoretical section provides the definitions and explanations of different terms and methods, which were used in the process of making the final interactive prototype. The experimental section provides work methods, which include the analysis of the current webiste and the brand's competitive websites, as well as the questionnaire, based on which we made further decisions. The experiemental section also includes the forming of target groups and reperesentative personas, which helped us form a suitable information architecture, wireframes, the user interface and finally, the interactive protoype, which was also tested for it's suitability using a questionnaire. In the results and discussion section the analysis of the current website is presented along with the questionnaire results and analysis of the brand's competitors. The target groups are included, as well as the representative personas, which lead us to the design of the information architecture, wireframes, the user interface and again, the final interactive prototype. Finally, the results of the testing of the protoype are presented. The result of this diploma thesis is a working, interactive prototype, which will serve as a guideline for the website redesign.

Keywords:User experience, user centered design, user interface, interactive prototype, EnjoyLocal

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