The purpose of the thesis was designing a collection based on two important contemporary concepts - activism and sustainability. Traces of the two can be found in different fields of human creativity, because of the conditions which we live in - at the heart of capitalism and consumerism. I decided to focus on emphasizing the issue of waste, pollution and exploitation of animals,
In the first part I present activist expression of artists, designers and - at last -fashion designers. I see fashion design as a new medium through which the fight for ethical as well as durable can be expressed. Sustainability in a creative process is a concept that I highlight the most important in contemporary (fashion) design. I introduce artists and designers who, in my opinion, are represent-atives of good sustainable practice and those who more or less radically express their opinions and could therefore carry the title of an ‘activist artist’.
The unisex collection I created is a conceptual project based on a manifesto and it expresses that we do not need to exploit animals for fashion clothing, that there are many alternative materials to be found - in the following project that would be cork. In the experimental part of thesis I designed patterns and printed them in selected colours on the cork material
The aim of the diploma thesis was creating a collection based on activism and sustainability, exploring the possibilities of artistic expression through a contemporary issue and through the experimental technique of screen printing. The aim was to research the wearability of such collection and to explore the communication between the designer - activist - and the wearer - buyer of the garment.