
Oblikovanje moško-ženske kolekcije z aktivističnim potiskom
ID Žagar, Lara (Author), ID Fajt, Elena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je bilo oblikovanje kolekcije, ki temelji na dveh pomembnih sodobnih konceptih – aktivizmu in trajnosti. Sledi prvega je moč zaslediti na vse več področjih človekovega ustvarjanja ravno zaradi razmer, v katerih živimo – v kapitalističnem in potrošniškem svetu. Osredotočeno je na izražanje problematike potratnosti, onesnaževanja in izkoriščanja živali. Predstavljeno je aktivistično izražanje umetnikov, oblikovalcev in nazadnje modnih oblikovalcev, saj na modno ustvarjanje gledam kot na novejši medij, skozi katerega se lahko izrazi boj za etično in tudi trajno. Upoštevanje vidika trajnostnosti pa je drug konceptualni pojem, ki ga izpostavljam kot pomembnega za sodobni svet. Predstavljeni so umetniki in oblikovalci, ki so po mojem mnenju predstavniki dobrih trajnostnih praks in tiste, ki bolj ali manj radikalno izražajo svoje mnenje na področju mode in oblikovanja ter jih zato lahko pojmujemo kot aktivistične umetnike in umetnice. Ustvarjena uniseks kolekcija je konceptualni projekt z manifestom, ki opozarja na to, da živali za modna oblačila ni treba izkoriščati, ampak obstajajo mnoge alternative – v našem primeru pluta. V eksperimentalnem delu sem oblikovala vzorce, ki sem jih v izbranih barvah tiskala na alternativo živalske kože – pluto in izdelala kolekcijo, ki nosi aktivistično sporočilo. Cilj diplomskega dela je bilo oblikovanje kolekcije z aktivističnim in trajnostnim sporočilom ter raziskovanje možnosti umetniškega izražanja skozi konceptualni manifest sodobne problematike trajnosti in etičnosti v modi. Z mentorico sva raziskovali nosljivost takšne kolekcije ter komunikacijo med oblikovalcem aktivistom in nosilcem – kupcem oblačila.

Keywords:trajnost, aktivizem, alternative, pluta, usnje, sitotisk, manifest
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119161 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2020
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Title:Activist print in man-woman collection
The purpose of the thesis was designing a collection based on two important contemporary concepts - activism and sustainability. Traces of the two can be found in different fields of human creativity, because of the conditions which we live in - at the heart of capitalism and consumerism. I decided to focus on emphasizing the issue of waste, pollution and exploitation of animals, In the first part I present activist expression of artists, designers and - at last -fashion designers. I see fashion design as a new medium through which the fight for ethical as well as durable can be expressed. Sustainability in a creative process is a concept that I highlight the most important in contemporary (fashion) design. I introduce artists and designers who, in my opinion, are represent-atives of good sustainable practice and those who more or less radically express their opinions and could therefore carry the title of an ‘activist artist’. The unisex collection I created is a conceptual project based on a manifesto and it expresses that we do not need to exploit animals for fashion clothing, that there are many alternative materials to be found - in the following project that would be cork. In the experimental part of thesis I designed patterns and printed them in selected colours on the cork material The aim of the diploma thesis was creating a collection based on activism and sustainability, exploring the possibilities of artistic expression through a contemporary issue and through the experimental technique of screen printing. The aim was to research the wearability of such collection and to explore the communication between the designer - activist - and the wearer - buyer of the garment.

Keywords:sustainability, activism, alternative, cork, leather, screen printing, manifest

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