
Uporaba obogatene resničnosti v zgodbah na Instagramu
ID Perich, Simeon (Author), ID Boh Podgornik, Bojana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Instagram je eden najbolj uporabljenih družabnih omrežij. S porastom števila dostopnih Instagramovih filtrov se je izkazalo, da je obogatena resničnost v filtrih s strani uporabnikov trenutno ena od najbolj priljubljenih značilnosti aplikacije, saj lahko poudarja edinstvenost in unikatnost objav in vizualnih izdelkov. Leta 2019 sta družabni omrežji Instagram in Facebook omogočili svojim uporabnikom nalaganje lastnih filtrov v obogateni resničnosti. Namen diplomskega dela je bil preučiti možnosti uporabe obogatene resničnosti, ki jih ponujajo družabna omrežja v formatu svojih zgodb, in izdelati dva nova filtra oz. sceni v obogateni resničnosti za uporabo na mobilnih napravah v aplikacijah Instagram oz. Spark AR Player. V teoretičnem delu smo raziskali obogateno resničnost, Instagramove zgodbe in uporabo obogatene resničnosti v filtrih. Preučili smo dostopno programsko opremo in se odločili za uporabo aplikacije Spark AR Player, ki je brezplačna in uporabna na večini mobilnih naprav. V eksperimentalnem delu smo podrobno opisali korake in postopek izdelave, testiranja in optimizacije lastnih filtrov. Končni rezultat diplomskega dela sta dva nova filtra. Prvi, ki je namenjen uporabi z glavno kamero pametnega telefona, uporablja računalniški vid in prepoznavo oblike za sprožanje AR efektov. Drugi filter je namenjen uporabi na prednji kameri mobilne naprave in uporablja prepoznavo obraza za umestitev 3D objekta na sceno. Oba izdelka smo preko zasebne povezave poslali izbranim uporabnikom Instagrama, ki so ju testirali in potrdili njuno funkcionalnost.

Keywords:obogatena resničnost, AR, družabna omrežja, Instagram, filter, zgodba
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119157 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Application of augmented reality in Instagram Stories
Instagram is one of the most widely used social networks. With the increasing number of Instagram filters, augmented reality in filters became one of the most popular features of the application, adding uniqueness to a post or a visual product. In 2019 social networks Instagram and Facebook made possible the upload and usage of user created filters in augmented reality. The purpose of this diploma thesis was to explore the applications of augmented reality, which social media offer in their stories format, and to produce two new filters i.e. scenes in augmented reality, to be used in the applications Instagram or Spark AR Player on mobile devices. In the theoretical part of the thesis, we investigated augmented reality, Instagram stories and the usage of augmented reality in its filters. After reviewing the available software tools, we decided to use the application Spark AR player, which is freely available and applicable on various mobile devices. In the experimental part of the thesis, we have described the steps of the production process, testing and optimization of the filters. The final result of the diploma work are two new filters. The first one, intended for usage through the main camera of the smartphone, makes use of computer vision in order to recognise shapes that trigger augmented reality effects. The second filter is intended for usage through the front camera of the smartphone, and uses face recognition in order to place a 3D object in the scene. Both products were tested through private links, sent to chosen users on Instagram and Facebook, and the functionality of both filters was confirmed.

Keywords:augmented reality, AR, social media, Instagram, filter, story

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